CA Ag Labor Relations Voting Choice Act News Twitter facebook YouTube Emailshare link 09/07/2022 Daily Kos: Farmworkers toil amid heat as bill strengthening union rights continues to sit on Newsom’s desk 09/04/2022 The Hill: Biden backs California farmworkers union bill as pressure on Newsom grows 09/04/2022 The Bakersfield Californian: JOSE GASPAR: Young people march for La Causa 09/04/2022 Los Angeles Times: Biden endorses bill to help farmworkers organize, putting pressure on Newsom 09/04/2022 The White House: Statement by President Biden in Support of California’s Agricultural Labor Relations Voting Choice Act 09/02/2022 Elk Grove Citizen: United Farm Workers march comes to Elk Grove 09/02/2022 KSBW: Vigil in Watsonville for farmworker union bill 09/01/2022 Los Angeles Times: Column: Newsom skipped meeting with UFW leaders. Now he should sign California’s farmworker union bill 08/31/2022 The Sacramento Bee: Frustrated with Gavin Newsom, California farmworkers hold vigil in Fresno for union bill 08/31/2022 KVPR: Farmworker union holds Fresno vigil to pressure Gavin Newsom to sign union voting bill 08/30/2022 Red Lake Nation News: American Indian Movement Joins Long Walk to Pressure California Governor to Sign Agriculture Bill 08/30/2022 Democracy Now: CA Gov. Newsom Threatens to Veto Farmworker Union Bill as He Buys $14.5M Vineyard in Napa Valley 08/30/2022 KVPR: Farmworkers respond to Gavin Newsom’s concerns about union voting bill: ‘It hurts’ 08/30/2022 KEYT: Central Coast community reacts on Gov. Gavin Newsom’s stance on union vote bill for farmworkers 08/30/2022 San Francisco Eater: Farmworkers Stage 24-Hour Vigils Throughout California for Union Vote Bill 08/30/2022 Napa Valley Register: California farmworker union bill heads back to governor 08/30/2022 Mashable: See the heartwarming support for California’s farmworkers on TikTok 08/30/2022 Daily Kos: California lawmakers pass farmworker bill as 24-hour vigil urges governor to sign 08/29/2022 CBS Sacramento: Farm workers, supporters planning to camp out until Gov. Newsom makes decision on AB 2183 08/29/2022 The Sacramento Bee: Thousands join California farmworkers as UFW completes its 335-mile march to the Capitol 08/29/2022 ‘Vigil for the Governor’s Signature’ at state Capitol urging him to sign farm workers’ voting rights bill 08/27/2022 The Sacramento Bee: Yes, really: Newsom’s new vineyard announced on same day he says he can’t help farmworkers 08/26/2022 23 ABC News: UFW march ends in disappointment as Governor Newsom turns down Agricultural Labor Relations Voting Choice Act 08/26/2022 ABC 10: United Farm Workers’ first woman president leads march to Sacramento 08/26/2022 Denver 7: California farmers make 24-day pilgrimage demonstrating for easier voting in union elections « Previous1…34567…10Next »