CA Ag Labor Relations Voting Choice Act News Twitter facebook YouTube Emailshare link 10/05/2022 The Sun-Gazette Newspaper: Newsom surprises many, signs farm worker union bill into law 10/01/2022 The Bakersfield Californian: Newsom’s signature on farmworker law hands big win to UFW 09/29/2022 Daily Kos: In victory led by the state’s farmworkers, Gov. Gavin Newsom signs bill strengthening union rights 09/29/2022 Patch: Newsom Signs Bill Expanding Union Rights For Farm Workers 09/29/2022 The Fern: California farmworker bill will reduce intimidation during union elections, says union official 09/29/2022 Santa Barbara News-Press: Newsom signs bill aiding farmworker union formation 09/29/2022 KALW: Gov Newsom signs bill giving CA farmworkers the right to unionize free from intimidation 09/29/2022 EIN News: Newsom relents, signs farmworker union bill after pressure from Biden and labor 09/29/2022 KCRA 3: Governor Newsom signed the farmworkers union bill. Now what? 09/29/2022 Al Dia News: California Governor Newsom reverses and signs off on unionization law for farm workers 09/28/2022 CBS News Bay Area: Newsom signs bill expanding union rights for farm workers 09/28/2022 KCRA 3: Gov. Newsom signs California bill in support of farmworkers’ union rights 09/28/2022 The New York Times: Newsom Signs California Bill to Ease Farm Union Voting 09/28/2022 The Mercury News: Newsom signs bill to ease farmworker unionization after vetoing 2021 version 09/28/2022 SFGate: After pressure from Biden, Gavin Newsom signs farmworker union bill 09/28/2022 U.S. News: California Governor Approves Farmworker Unionization Law 09/28/2022 CalMatters: Newsom relents, signs farmworker union bill after pressure from Biden and labor 09/28/2022 Office of Governor Newsom: Alongside Farmworkers at the State Capitol, Governor Newsom Signs Law Expanding Farmworker Union Rights 09/28/2022 Los Angeles Times: Newsom signs UFW bill aimed at helping California farmworkers organize 09/28/2022 Politico: Newsom reverses course and signs farmworker bill backed by Biden 09/28/2022 California Governor Signs AB2183 09/28/2022 The Bakersfield Californian:California governor approves farmworker unionization law 09/28/2022 The Boston Globe: California governor approves farmworker unionization law 09/26/2022 The Intercept: California Farmworkers Pressure Gov. Gavin Newsom on Union Bill 09/26/2022 Capitol Weekly: Raging against the machine for AB 2183, the Farm Worker Voting Rights Act « Previous12345…10Next »