CA Ag Labor Relations Voting Choice Act News
- The Sun-Gazette: Farmersville supports United Farm Workers march
- Los obispos católicos de Fresno Brennan y Ochoa se unirán y bendecirán el noveno día de la marcha de la UFW, cuando ingrese a Calwa a medida que aumenta el entusiasmo de la comunidad
- Fresno Catholic Bishops Brennan & Ochoa will join and bless Day 9 of UFW march when it enters Calwa as community enthusiasm builds
- Fox 40: Central Valley farm workers marching to the state capitol for change
- Turlock Journal: Farmworkers march coming through Turlock
- KFCF LATINA LENS SHOW: Yolanda Chacón-Serna
- NPR KVPR: Farmworker union marches through Central Valley for voting rights bill
- Nation of Change: Hundreds of California farmworkers begin 335-mile march for voting rights
- Truthout: Hundreds of California Farmworkers Are Marching for Union Voting Rights
- Daily Kos: Community members rush to donate water, snacks to farmworkers on 335-mile labor rights march
- The Press Democrat: Farmworkers begin march to pressure Newsom to sign bill making it easier for them to organize
- The Porterville Recorder: UFW march for union bill comes through Porterville
- Daily Kos: California farmworkers begin 335-mile pilgrimage urging Newsom to sign labor rights bill
- The Porterville Recorder: UFW march for union bill coming to Porterville
- Waging Nonviolence: Hundreds of California farmworkers begin 335-mile march for voting rights
- Fox 40: Farm workers marching from Delano to Sacramento in support of a labor bill
- The Sun Gazzette: Hundreds march 335 miles for farm worker rights
- KCBS Radio San Francisco: Farmworkers embark on 335-mile march to Sacramento for voting rights
- KION 5/46: United Farm Workers begin march to Sacramento
- 23 abc: Farm workers begin march to Sacramento in support of voting rights bill
- Cal Matters: Farmworkers to march, mental health workers to strike
- The Fresno Bee: Heat, fiery speeches kick off farmworkers’ 24-day ‘March for the Governor’s Signature’
- Bakersfield Now: Hundreds ‘March for Governor’s Signature’ to convince him to sign union rights bill
- Modern Farmer: California Farmworkers Embark on 335-Mile March for Voting Rights
- The Bakersfield Californian: PHOTO GALLERY: United Farm Workers ‘March for the Governor’s Signature’