Agricultural Labor Relations Voting Choice Act Twitter facebook YouTube Emailshare link 09/24/2021 The Sacramento Bee: Farm workers arrive at French Laundry to protest Gavin Newsom — and plan another rally 09/23/2021 Photos: AB 616 vigil to Governor Newsom in Napa 09/23/2021 Newsweek: Farm Workers March to French Laundry in Protest of Vetoed Union Elections Bill 09/23/2021 The Press Democrat: California farm worker union marching to the French Laundry after Newsom vetoes labor bill 09/23/2021 Farm workers march from French Laundry to Newsom’s Napa winery seeking meeting with governor and to protest governor’s double standard on voting choice 09/22/2021 The Sacramento Bee: California farm worker union marching to the French Laundry after Newsom vetoes labor bill 09/22/2021 Day 1: March for the governor’s signature video #2 09/22/2021 AB616 March Facebook Live video Day 1 – 3:08 PM 09/22/2021 AB616 March Facebook Live video Day 1 – 9:28 AM 09/22/2021 AB616 March Facebook Live video Day 1 – 9:10 AM 09/22/2021 UFW responds to Newsom veto of farm worker voting choice bill by heading to French Laundry to seek a meeting with him 09/22/2021 Day 1: March for the governor’s signature video #1 09/22/2021 Photos Day 1: Farmworkers launch 260 mile march for CA Governor’s signature 09/22/2021 First steps in UFW’s 260-mile ‘March for the Governor’s Signature’ for AB 616, making farm labor election voting easier 09/21/2021 High Country News: California Farmworkers Union fights to vote by mail in union elections 09/20/2021 AB 616 Agricultural Labor Relations Voting Choice Act Backgrounder 09/05/2021 Lompoc Record: Farmworkers may be able to vote at home in union elections 09/02/2021 Cal Matters: Farmworkers deserve the right to vote by mail in union elections 09/01/2021 CBS 8: Farmworkers may be able to vote at home in union election 09/01/2021 Civil Eats: California Eyes Vote-from-Home Rules for Farmworker Union Elections 09/01/2021 Cal Matters: Farmworkers may be able to vote at home in union elections 08/31/2021 Monterey Herald: Farmworkers may be able to vote at home in union elections « Previous123