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UFW Laments The Death of a Farm Worker Who Died While Laboring in an Arvin Vineyard

UFW Laments The Death of a Farm Worker Who Died While Laboring in an Arvin Vineyard

UFW President Arturo S. Rodriguez issued the following statement after learning of the death of Rodolfo Ceballos Carrillo, a 54-year-old farm worker from Earlimart, who collapsed and died while working in a vineyard in the Arvin area Wednesday.

The United Farm Workers is deeply saddened by recent reports of the death of farm worker Rodolfo Ceballos Carrillo. Our thoughts and prayers go out to Mr. Carrillo’s family. The UFW has offered assistance to the family in this time of need.

Mr. Carrillo died while working at Sunview Vineyards, a grape company.  Mr. Carrillo’s death during extreme heat is a sad reminder for us all of the dangerous working conditions California’s farm workers face every summer.  In July, 2008, Audon Felix Garcia died of heat illness while also working at Sunview Vineyards.