La Raza Law Students Host César Chávez Week
Posted By Kevin R. Johnson
At King Hall, we have more than 40 active student organizations, and every year, they are responsible for presenting many interesting and enjoyable events. One fine example is this year’s César Chávez week, hosted by the La Raza Law Students Association March 28-April 2, and I hope everyone in the King Hall community will take advantage of the opportunities offered.
Highlights include the keynote speech on “Identity in the Legal Profession” by Margaret E. Montoya, the first Latina accepted at Harvard Law School and a member of the faculty at the University of New Mexico Law School, and a talk by Sylvia Mendez, a winner of the Presidential Medal of Freedom whose father was the original plaintiff in the precedent-setting school desegregation case Mendez v. Westminster. Additional César Chavez Week events include lectures by Joaquin Avilla, Assistant Professor of Law at Seattle University School of Law, and Ana Avendaño, Associate General Counsel and Director of the Immigration Worker Program at the AFL-CIO, as well as a showing of the documentary film Papers: Stories of Undocumented Youth. A full listing of events, with times and locations, is available here .
I’d like to thank the La Raza students (and the other student organization co-sponsors) for putting together such a fine series of events, and encourage everyone to attend. See you there!