Keep Me in the Loop!

United Farm Workers President Teresa Romero awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom

50th Anniversary Schedule

  • May 17, 2012


  • Convention Agenda: Friday, May 18, 2012

    6:30             Registration

    8:00              Call to Order

    •    Farm Worker Prayer

    •    Welcome: Rudy Salas, City Council, Bakersfield

    •    Introduction of Arturo S. Rodriguez, President of UFW
    •    Opening Comments by UFW President

    Constitutional Committee Reports

    Board of Auditors Report

    Election: Board of Auditors

    Report: UFW Foundation

    Report: La Union Del Pueblo Entero

    11:30            Speaker: Michael Goodwin, International President, OPEIU

    12:00              Lunch

    1:00 pm            Election: Union Executive Board

    2:45             Travel to La Paz (for the Delegates and not open to the public)

    4:00            Tour: National Chavez Center

    6:00            Guest Speaker: The Honorable Ken Salazar

    6:30            Dinner; Music by: La Campesina

    7:30            Recess for the day

  • Convention Agenda: Saturday, May 19, 2012

    6:30            Registration

    8:00 am        Call to Order

    •    Farm Worker Prayer

    •    Welcome: Senator Michael Rubio, Senate District 16, California

    Report: Cesar Chavez Foundation

    •    Memorial Tribute to Richard Chavez

    10:00            Speaker: Jerry Ryan, President. Branch 411, National Association of Letter Carriers

    10:20            Report: Internal Organizing

    11:45            Guest Speaker: Antonio Villaraigosa, Mayor of Los Angeles

    12:00            Lunch

    1:00 pm            Speaker: Senator John Burton, Chair Calif. Democratic Party

    1:20            Program: Honoring the Pioneers

    Master of Ceremonies; Luis Valdez

    Guest Speaker: Dolores Huerta, 1st Vice President Emeritus

    •    1962 Founding Convention Attendees

    •    1965 Grape Striker/Boycotters: Comments: Marcos Munoz

    •    Schenley Workers: Comments; Luis Conde

    •    Filipino Contribution, Speaker: Johnny Itliong

    •    Farm Worker Ministry: Comments: Chris Hartmire

    3:50            Closing Comments: Luis Valdez, Founder El Teatro Campesino

    4:10             Music/Actos Performed by El Teatro Campesino during program

    4:30            Special Acknowledgements

    5:00            Report: Strategic Campaigns

    7:30            Dinner

    •    Guest Speaker: Maria Elena Durazo, Executive Secretary Treasurer,
    Los Angeles County Federation of Labor

    •    Special Acknowledgements

    9:00            Recess for the day

  • Convention Agenda: Sunday, May 20, 2012
    6:30            Registration
    7:45            Catholic Mass

            •    Celebrant: Bishop Richard Garcia, Diocese of Monterey

            •    Dedicated to UFW Martyrs & their families

    9:45             Call to Order                            

            •    Welcome: Leticia Perez, Candidate, Kern County Board of Supervisors

    9:50            Report: External Organizing

    11:30            Guest Speaker: Maria Elena Salinas, Anchor, Univision

    12:00             Lunch

    1:00 pm            Guest Speaker: Secretary Hilda Solis, Secretary of Labor                                  

    1:30             Resolution

    1:45            Speaker: Bob King, International President UAW

    2:10            Resolution

    2:30            Speaker: Rome A. Aloise, V.P. Western Region, IBT

    2:45            Report: Equitable Food Imitative

    3:30            Children’s March: I am…………                

    3:45            Closing Comments                         

    4:00            Adjourn