Keep Me in the Loop!

Sign on today: Federal heat safety regulation comment period open

Other ways to give

Please consider these following additional donation options:

  • Donate by mail, phone or fax. Send your gift to: UFW, “Internet Giving Options,” PO Box 62, Keene, CA 93531 or call 661-823-6156 or fax 661-823-6171.
  • Honor or Memorial Gifts: You can make a gift to honor or memorialize someone. UFW will notify the individual or family of your generous gift.
  • Stock Gifts: Stock donations are accepted through our investment firm listed below.  Use DTC #0725, account #19589269, United Farm Workers of America.
    Mestmaker & Petrey Wealth Advisors
    1675 Chester Avenue Suite 200
    Bakersfield, CA  93301
    (661) 395-9400
  • Life Insurance Policies: Donate the policy in the name of the UFW.
  • Retirement Accounts: Name UFW as the beneficiary.
  • Donate assets that are no longer needed: Please make your gift so we can transfer ownership to the UFW. Please consider donations of cars, property, jewelry, artwork, etc.
  • Products & Services: We can always use restaurants to donate meals for worker meetings and marches or to host special events. What else can your business help with?

Tax Notice: Contributions and gifts to the United Farm Workers are not tax deductible.