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UFW Welcomes Restoration of Farm Worker Labor Rights in New York; Calls on Growers to Negotiate Union Contracts

BUFFALO, NY – Yesterday, a U.S. District Judge in New York lifted the bulk of a preliminary injunction issued in New York Vegetable Growers Association v. Hochul. The injunction had effectively placed all farm worker labor rights in New York under the Farm Laborers Fair Labor Practices Act. The lifting of this injunction restores farm workers’ rights under this law and allows UFW organizing campaigns in New York to continue.

“While we welcome most of this ruling, we cannot forget or forgive the fact that New York farm workers’ rights were effectively taken away from them for almost half a year, from October of 2023 till February of 2024,” said UFW Secretary Treasurer Armando Elenes. “The long legal limbo caused by the growers’ irresponsible lawsuit has already caused irreparable harm to farm workers across New York. With the law now restored, we call on the 5 farms whose workforces have chosen to join the UFW – 4 of whom were parties to this lawsuit – to finally recognize the reality of both the law and their workers’ wishes by negotiating a fair union contract.”

“Yesterday, the Court properly dismissed almost all the frivolous and meritless claims the growers were making to deny farmworkers their right to join a union,” said UFW Counsel Mario Martinez. “The judge correctly pointed out that the growers do not represent the interest of farm workers.  While we are disappointed the Judge found a small provision of the law to be overbroad, UFW is eager to continue the work of helping farmworkers join a union and win improvements through collective bargaining agreements now that the temporary stay has been lifted.”
