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Help us spread a message of love this Valentine’s Day

All of us recoil at the growing immigrant bashing that is becoming all too commonplace. This prejudice violates the core values of the United Farm Workers.

So we are proud to join in the national Valentine’s Day campaign #ToImmigrantsWithLove. Help us spread love and appreciation for immigrants, including the farm workers who put food on our tables and whose hard work contributes so much to our nation.

How can you participate? The UFW offers an easy option. 

  1.  Download one of five 8½”X11” signs we prepared as coloring book pages so your child can participate in the project by coloring in the pages.
  2. Take a picture of the art—or even better your child can hold up the art—and share it on Facebook and Twitter with the hashtags #ToImmigrantsWithLove and #We FeedYou.

More than four decades ago Cesar Chavez said, “There is enough love and good will in our movement to give energy to our struggle and still have plenty left over to break down and change the climate of hate and fear around us.”

Cesar’s words ring true today. Join farm workers and their children changing the message of hate into one of love and appreciation this Valentine’s Day.

Below are the signs (click picture to get a pdf of the illustration) as well as sample Facebook posts/Tweets

Sample Twitter Post:
This #ValentinesDay I stand with the #UFW & #farmworker movement & send #LOVE to #immigrants who move our country forward. #ToImmigrantsWithLove #WeFeedYou #DreamActNow @ufwupdates @ufwf

Sample Facebook Post:
This #ValentinesDay I stand with the UFW & #farmworker movement & send #LOVE to #immigrants who move our country forward. Si Se Puede!
#ToImmigrantsWithLove #WeFeedYou #DreamActNow 


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