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Susana Ramirez, Monterey Mushrooms

Susana Ramirez shares, I work for Monterey Mushrooms, Inc. in Watsonville, CA. I have worked for this company for 22 years and I harvest portabella mushrooms. I work under union contract with the UFW and with my contract, I have a good packet of benefits that include: Medical Insurance for me and my family, paid holidays, yearly paid vacation, pension plan, wage increases each year and security in the work place because of the benefit of seniority that my union contract offe

Susana Ramirez shares, I work for Monterey Mushrooms, Inc. in Watsonville, CA. I have worked for this company for 22 years and I harvest portabella mushrooms. I work under union contract with the UFW and with my contract, I have a good packet of benefits that include: Medical Insurance for me and my family, paid holidays, yearly paid vacation, pension plan, wage increases each year and security in the work place because of the benefit of seniority that my union contract offers. 

I ask the public and the consumers to buy and consume this product [Monterey Mushrooms]. Day after day, we harvest the mushrooms with our own hands using the most advanced cultivation methods, meeting the food and safety standards so that the mushrooms can confidently be brought to your tables. As you get ready to do your #Thanksgiving shopping for a full list of products produced by workers under UFW contract go to: #WeFeedYou #ThankAFarmworker

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