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Rosa Lopez, Lettuce

From Our Hands to Your Tables: Rosa Lopez harvests lettuce at D’Arrigo Brothers. She shares, “Thanks to the United Farm Workers we have great health insurance, bonus pay, and paid holidays. #WeFeedYou #ThankAFarmworker / Rosa López cosecha lechuga en D’Arrigo Brothers. Ella comparte, “Gracias ala Union de Campesinos tenemos un gran seguro de salude, pago de bonos y dias festivos pagados.

From Our Hands to Your Tables: Rosa Lopez, lettuce worker

From Our Hands to Your Tables: Rosa Lopez harvests lettuce at D’Arrigo Brothers. She shares, “Thanks to the United Farm Workers we have great health insurance, bonus pay, and paid holidays. #WeFeedYou #ThankAFarmworker / Rosa López cosecha lechuga en D’Arrigo Brothers. Ella comparte, “Gracias ala Union de Campesinos tenemos un gran seguro de salude, pago de bonos y dias festivos pagados.

Posted by UFW on Thursday, November 30, 2017