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Richard Trujillo, Wine grape worker, Pomona

Coming out here, into the fields, working this industry we’re not treated equally as other workers. Being treated equally is something that’s important to me. And these guys the campesinos, my coworkers, they should get treated the same and they should get the same benefits. If they got overtime pay, they would be more appreciated for their hard work because you know you work more than eight hours you don’t get overtime right now. The conditions are tough — these conditions mean sun, rain.We don’t have air conditioning here. And we need to be heard. I’m here to be their voice. I’m here to fight for them. Whatever it takes. Whatever it takes to do it. I’m here to do it. We need to speak up for them. A lot of them are afraid. It’s time to not be afraid. It’s time to be heard.  — Richard Trujillo, wine grape worker