White Papers Twitter facebook YouTube Emailshare link 02/23/2006 Fields of Poison 2002: California Farmworkers and Pesticides, by California Rural Legal Assistance Foundation, United Farm Workers of America, AFL-CIO and Pesticide Action Network, 2002. 80 pages, English and Spanish combined in one volume. – Report (Spanish) 02/23/2006 Reports on Pesticides Resources, EWG 02/23/2006 Cancer Incidence in the United Farmworkers of America (UFW), 1987-1997, Cancer Registry of Central California (CRCC), November 2001 02/23/2006 Poisoning the Air, CPR, August 1998 02/23/2006 Fingers to the Bone: United States Failure to Protect Child Farm Workers,Human Rights Watch Report (HRW), June 2000 02/23/2006 Pesticide Resources and Links, CPR 02/23/2006 Stop the Salt, Save our Jobs, UFW, September 1999 02/23/2006 Fields of Poison: CA farmworkers and pesticides/Campos envenenados: Los trabajadores agricolas y los pesticidas en CACalifornians for Pesticide Reform (CPR), Pesticide Action Network North America (PANNA), United Farm Workers (UFW), California Rural Legal Assistance Foundation (CRLAF), June 1999 02/23/2006 Five cents for fairness: The case for change in the strawberry fields, UFW/AFL-CIO, 1996 02/23/2006 Strawberry Campaign Background Information 02/23/2006 Farmworkers in California: Part 1 of 2 (1.29Mb), Part 2 of 2 (1.26Mb) [PDF versions], California Research Bureau (CRB), September 1998 02/23/2006 Executive Summary en Espanol 02/23/2006 Child Labor in Agriculture [PDF version], General Accounting Office, August 1998 02/23/2006 Puzzled by the LA Times: More information regarding the UFW’s response to the LA Times 02/23/2006 Trouble on the Farm: Growing up with Pesticides in Agricultural Communities,National Resources Defense Council (NRDC), October 1998 02/23/2006 CA Endowment White Papers on Agricultural Workers Health 02/23/2006 Endocrine Disruption: An Overview and Resourse List, NRDC, September 1998 « Previous12