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Noemi, Vineyard

From Our Hands to Your Tables: When you buy wine, make it a union wine. Noemi is a union member of the United Farms Workers of America and works for CK Mondavi. She works knowing that CK Mondavi is contributing towards her and her families medical, dental and vision plan. For a full list of products produced by workers under UFW contract go to: #ThankAFarmWorker #WeFeedYou / De nuestras manos a tu mesa: cuando compres vino, que sea vino de la unión. Noemí es miembra de la union United Farms Workers of America y trabaja para CK Mondavi. Trabaja sabiendo que CK Mondavi contribuye a su plan médico, dental y de la vista para ella y su familia. Para obtener una lista completa de los productos producidos por los trabajadores bajo el contrato de UFW vaya a:

From Our Hands to Your Tables: When you buy wine, make it a union wine. Noemi is a union member of the United Farms…

Posted by UFW on Monday, December 4, 2017