From Our Hands to Your Tables: Check out the romaine lettuce we enjoy in our salads from a farm worker’s perspective. Miguel stacks an average of 3,000 boxes per day at D’Arrigo Brothers, where he has a UFW contract. Each box weighs from 38-42lbs. Listen to Miguel talk about his contract and then join us in thanking Miguel for all his hard work! #ThankAFarmworker #WeFeedYou #Thanksgiving / Revisemos la lechuga romana que tanto nos encanta desde la mirada de un campesino. Miguel apila en promedio 3,000 cajas por día en D’Arrigo Brothers donde la UFW tiene un contrato. Cada caja pesa entre 38 a 42. ¡Escucha a Miguel hablar de su contrato y luego únete a nosotros para agradecer a Miguel por su arduo trabajo! #ThankAFarmworker #WeFeedYou #Thanksgiving

Tell Congress: Protect farm workers n