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Martin Vera, UFW member

From Our Hands to Your Tables: Martin Vera is very happy with the union. He shares, my daughter applied for a UFW scholarship and she won it. We feel very good. The money that she won has helped with studies. I invite all my coworkers to continue joining us. #WeFeedYou #ThankAFarmworker #Thanksgiving  Martin Verá está muy contento con la unión. El comenta” mi hija aplicó para una beca de la UFW y la gano. El dinero que ganó le ayudó con los estudios. Yo invito a a todos mis compañeros de trabajo que sigan uniéndose”.

From Our Hands to Your Tables: Martin Vera, Livingston

From Our Hands to Your Tables: Martin Vera is very happy with the union. He shares, my daughter applied for a UFW scholarship and she won it. We feel very good. The money that she won has helped with studies. I invite all my coworkers to continue joining us. #WeFeedYou #ThankAFarmworker #Thanksgiving

Posted by UFW on Tuesday, November 21, 2017