Keep Me in the Loop!

Send your message of encouragement to workers negotiating first contracts

Maria Rivera, Gerawan worker

Maria Rivera,, Gerawan worker

As we get celebrate Mother’s Day we ask you to take a moment and read the story of women who labor picking fruit at Gerawan by reading the Mother’s Day blog that Cesar’s widow Helen Chavez published @ or read about Maria Rivera, whose story was shared in Helen’s blog here: “Gerawan sprayed the grape fields with chemicals at 5:40 a.m. We went to work at 6 a.m. At 7 a.m. I felt a burning on my neck. Then I felt sulfur all over my body. My eyes were very red and watery. When we left work I went to pick up my daughter who was 11 months old. I took her to the doctor that evening because she got bumps and rashes on her body. The doctor told me it was because of the chemicals that someone brought home.”