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Send your message of encouragement to workers negotiating first contracts

Maria Martinez, Vineyards

From Our Hands to Your Tables: Maria Martinez works at Scheid Vineyards and says her favorite union benefit is her health insurance. #WeFeedYou #ThankAFarmworker / Maria Martínez trabaja en Scheid Vineyard y dice que su beneficio sindical favorito es su seguro de salud.

From Our Hands to Your Tables: Maria Martinez

From Our Hands to Your Tables: Maria Martinez works at Scheid Vineyards and says her favorite union benefit is her health insurance. #WeFeedYou #ThankAFarmworker / Maria Martínez trabaja en Scheid Vineyard y dice que su beneficio sindical favorito es su seguro de salud.

Posted by UFW on Sunday, December 3, 2017