This weekend is Labor Day. As we celebrate with picnics and barbecues and enjoy fresh vegetables farm workers have labored to pick, it seems like a timely moment to talk about the contrast between union and non-union companies -- and how you can help.
Inocencio Cortes has a UFW contract part of the year. But work in tomatoes is seasonal, so one of his off-season jobs is harvesting blueberries at a non-union grower. He tells us, at the non-union company, “I barely make minimum wage. I tell my coworkers to ask for higher wages, but they are afraid. Most days I have to walk half an hour to the church where they give free food because of how little I earn.”
Conditions are way different at a union company. “I've worked at Gargiulo under UFW contract for 4 years picking tomatoes. We have benefits here, such as a pension plan, seniority, medical plan, good wages per bucket, etc. Above all [we have] respect and a voice because we are organized, and the company listens and resolves our problems.”
Carolina Sanchez also understands the difference between having a union contract and not having one. She's worked under UFW contract in the blueberries for 2 1/2 years. Before that, she worked without the protections a contract provides. “I have seen many injustices in this harvest such as wage theft, not being provided the proper equipment and tools and other injustices.”
Carolina shares, under her UFW contract, “So much is different. We have a very good relationship with the farm owners and management. We are respected and are listened to by the farmer. The farmer ensures we are provided the tools and equipment we need. And most important we are paid fully and are paid well.”
Until every worker has good pay, safe working conditions, and is treated with respect, we can't quit. Your gift will help us talk to workers, help them organize and put pressure on growers to get them to the bargaining table and win the contracts workers urgently need.