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Isabel Esparza, Vegetables

From Our Hands to Your Tables: Vegetable worker Isabel Esparza is proud of his #UFW contract. he says, I have worked at the Company Huntington Farms for 40 years Cesar Chavez’ United Farm Workers has represented us since 1978. It has helped us have respect in the workplace for me and my co-workers. That is why I want to thank the union and its representatives for helping us renegotiate our contract for 3 years. It guarantees medical insurance for me and my family, paid holidays, wage increases each year and the most important thing is fair treatment and respect. #ThankAFarmWorker #WeFeedYou / He trabajado en la Compañía Huntington Farms durante 40 años. La Union de Campesinos de Cesar Chavez nos ha representado desde 1978. Nos ha ayudado a tener respeto en el lugar de trabajo para mí y mis compañeros de trabajo. Por eso quiero agradecer a la Union y a sus representantes por ayudarnos a renegociar nuestro contrato por 3 años. Garantiza seguro médico para mí y mi familia, vacaciones pagadas, aumentos salariales cada año y lo más importante un trato justo y respeto. – Isabel Esparza, trabajadora de hortalizas

From Our Hands to Your Tables: Vegetable worker Isabel Esparza is proud of his #UFW contract. he says, I have worked at…

Posted by UFW on Friday, December 15, 2017