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Harvesting the American Dream


Harvesting the American Dream

Harvesting the American Dream:

On Oct. 3rd, 4th and 5th, the Farm Worker Movement will join the national immigrant movement for a National Day of Dignity and Respect.  The United Farm Workers is bringing the fight for immigration reform from Capitol Hill to the richest agricultural fields in the world. Hundreds of UFW and UFW Foundation staff as well as volunteers will be marching towards 100 of the largest farms California energizing and inspiring thousands of farm workers to send a clear message to Congress, "We want immigration reform today, not tomorrow." 

Farm workers will be signing postcards asking their congressional representatives to vote on comprehensive immigration reform that includes a path to citizenship.

UFW staff will lead volunteers and supporters to visit local farms.  The visit will happen in hours when farm workers are not working e.g. arriving to work (6am-8am) and lunch time (10am-1pm).  Groups will be meeting at the local UFW office and caravan to the nearest farm. (Click here for more information on how to volunteer.)

In addition, farm workers and their supporters will again use Facebook and Twitter in a unique way to ask GOP leadership in the House to support a new immigration process that includes a roadmap to citizenship. Farm workers will post pictures of themselves in the fields and upload them on Facebook and Twitter, using the #FieldFotos hashtag. They are asking the public’s help in spreading their stories by "sharing" and "re-tweeting" their posts.

Everyone knows that farm workers harvest the fruits and vegetables that feed our nation and the food served at the Capitol Hill’s cafeteria. But, it’s time that the GOP leadership in the House recognizes that these farm workers also deserve the opportunity to harvest the American dream for them and their children.

Join us in support of immigration reform! Support farm workers by:

1. If you live in the area, volunteer to visit farm workers in the fields.

2. Re-tweeting or sharing the farm workers’ posts on Twitter and Facebook. You can find them by typing in #FieldFotos in your Twitter and/or Facebook search bar.

3. Taking a picture of yourself holding a homemade sign saying, I support farm workers. The Time is now for Immigration reform. You can also download our English or Spanish downloadable poster here.  Tweet your photo at your US Representative and/or post it on Facebook (please make the photo public so we can share) with the #FieldFotos & the #oct5 hashtag.

4. If you don’t have a Facebook or Twitter account (and even if you do) can you forward this campaign to friends and family who use Facebook and Twitter?

5. If you use social media please "LIKE" us on Facebook @UFW and @UFW Foundation and follow us on Twitter at @UFWupdates and @UFWF.

Please join us in supporting farm workers. Si Se Puede! #FieldFotos #Oct5.
Arturo S. Rodriguez


Help us raise the voices, stories and images of farm workers while telling U.S. Representatives to vote on an immigration bill with a pathway to citizenship for farm workers & their families.

How to participate in this campaign:

1. Farm workers and supporters: Take a photo(s) holding a poster/banner that says “Con La Unión de Campesinos Tendremos Papeles” or "I support farm workers. The Time is now for Immigration reform." You can also download our English or Spanish downloadable poster.  Tweet your photo at your US Representative and/or post it on Facebook (please make the photo public so we can share) with the #FieldFotos & the #oct5 hashtag.

Farm workers: you can also take pictures in the fields to show what a day at work looks like.

2. Select Facebook, Twitter or BOTH.

3. Upload the photo to Facebook,Twitter or both.

4. Use the following farm worker or supporter sample messages on Twitter & Facebook:

I am a farm worker in Fresno & I need you to vote for the #CIR bill. #FieldFotos @UFWupdates @UFWF

I am a farm worker supporter in Bakersfield & I need you to vote for the #CIR bill #FieldFotos @UFWupdates @UFWF

**Note: If you tweet this to your representative, please make sure to put a period (.) before your tweets. “.@representative….” It allows the tweet/post to be public.

5. Use the hashtag #FieldFotos at the end of your message on Twitter & Facebook

6. On TWITTER include @UFWupdates and @UFWF.

7. On FACEBOOK include @UFW Foundation and @UFW. Note that these account names are different from our Twitter account names.

8. Finally share, post or tweet the picture and brief message!

Odilia - Infographic