Manténgame al Tanto


1:55 pm     Report from Houston Texas with Teodoro Aguiluz, Executive Director of CRECEN. Mr. Aguiluz indicated that they were going to march from City of Houston City Hall towards Federal Building Micky Lellan then back to City Hall for a gathering with political figures such as Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee, City of Houston Mayor Anisse Parker, community organization leaders and the community. Mr. Aguiluz reported that they will also participate in Washington DC in a series of activities supporting an Immigration Reform.

 Reporte desde Houston Texas con Teodoro Aguiluz, Director Ejectivo del Centro de Recursos Centroamericanos (CRECEN). El Senor Aguiluz indico que marcharon desde el City Hall de la Ciudad de Houston hasta el edificio federal Micky Lellan y de regreso al City Hall para una reunión con figuras políticas como la congresista Sheila Jackson Lee, la Alcaldeza de Houston, Annise Parker, lideres comunitarios y la comunidad. Tambien se reporto que participaran en una serie de actividades en Washington DC para apoyar la Reforma Migratoria.