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Eliza Alvarez, UFW Member

From Our Hands to Your Tables: Eliza Alvarez shares, “I am extremely happy to be a member of the Cesar Chavez Union. I have received many benefits, such as dental insurance. It has covered more than nine hundred dollars – covering dental crowns and dental checkups. I thank god in this month of giving thanks.” #WeFeedYou #ThankAFarmworker #Thanksgiving / De nuestras manos a sus mesas: Eliza Álvarez comparte, “Estoy muy feliz de ser miembro de la unión de Cesar Chávez. He recibido muchos beneficios, tal como Seguro dental. Me ha cubierto más de $900 – cubriendo mis chequeos dentales y coronas. En este mes de dar gracias agradezco mucho a dios. #WeFeedYou #ThankAFarmworker #Thanksgiving

From Our Hands to Your Tables: Eliza Alvarez

From Our Hands to Your Tables: Eliza Alvarez shares, “I am extremely happy to be a member of the Cesar Chavez Union. I have received many benefits, such as dental insurance. It has covered more than nine hundred dollars – covering dental crowns and dental checkups. I thank god in this month of giving thanks.” #WeFeedYou #ThankAFarmworker #Thanksgiving / De nuestras manos a sus mesas: Eliza Álvarez comparte, “Estoy muy feliz de ser miembro de la unión de Cesar Chávez. He recibido muchos beneficios, tal como Seguro dental. Me ha cubierto más de $900 – cubriendo mis chequeos dentales y coronas. En este mes de dar gracias agradezco mucho a dios. #WeFeedYou #ThankAFarmworker #Thanksgiving

Posted by UFW on Friday, November 24, 2017