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Cristina, UFW member

From Our Hands to Your Tables: Have you ever tried Papagni Wine? Cristina is one of the workers who helps bring it to your table and wants to tell you why her contract is so important to her. #ThankAFarmworker #WeFeedYou #Thanksgiving / ¿Han probado el vino Papagni? Cristina es una de las trabajadoras que ayudan a ponerlo en tu mesa y quiere decirte porque su contrato es tan importante. #ThankAFarmworker #WeFeedYou #Thanksgiving

From Our Hands to Your Tables: Cristina, wine grapes

From Our Hands to Your Tables: Have you ever tried Papagni Wine? Cristina is one of the workers who helps bring it to your table and wants to tell you why her contract is so important to her. #ThankAFarmworker #WeFeedYou #Thanksgiving / ¿Han probado el vino Papagni? Cristina es una de las trabajadoras que ayudan a ponerlo en tu mesa y quiere decirte porque su contrato es tan importante. #ThankAFarmworker #WeFeedYou #Thanksgiving

Posted by UFW on Sunday, November 19, 2017