“We don’t need perfect political systems; we need perfect participation.” - Cesar Chavez
Cesar Chavez News
- 04/01/2011 KGET 17 (CA): Late Farmworker Activist Honored (includes video)
- 04/01/2011 Colorado Statesman: ‘Sí se puede!’ — Latino, labor activists join to celebrate César Chávez
- 04/01/2011 Mission Local (CA): César Chávez Remembered
- 04/01/2011 Record Online (CA): Students learn about Cesar Chavez
- 04/01/2011 In These Times: Cesar Chavez and the State of the Farmworkers Movement
- 04/01/2011 La Prensa (CA): Honran legado de César Chávez
- 04/01/2011 White House Blog: A Celebration of Cesar Chavez at the White House
- 04/01/2011 Tidings (CA): Joining César: ‘I wanted to do it full-time,’ says Minnesota priest
- 04/01/2011 EGP News (CA): Growing a Spirit For Service Through Cesar Chavez
- 04/01/2011 Tidings (CA): Remembering César Chávez, by Archbishop José H. Gomez
- 04/01/2011 Portland Press Herald (ME): Mural battle unites crowd at celebration of Chavez — Maine Latin leaders decry the decision and the plan to rename a room that honors the labor activist
- 04/01/2011 KION 46 (CA): Farm Workers Want to Be Able to Unionize
- 04/01/2011 San Luis Obispo Tribune (CA): Boys & Girls Club honors activist on César Chávez Day in Paso Robles
- 04/01/2011 KJCT 8 (CO): Remembering Cesar Chavez (includes video)
- 04/01/2011 89.3 KPCC (CA): The forgotten history of the Filipino laborers who worked with Cesar Chavez
- 04/01/2011 University of Washington News: “Viva La Causa: César Chávez and the Pacific Northwest”
- 04/01/2011 Daily Camera (CO): Hundreds march, rally in Lafayette in honor of Cesar Chavez (includes video)
- 04/01/2011 Grand Junction Sentinel (CO): Event resonates with Grand Junction man who marched with Chavez (includes video)
- 03/31/2011 ABC 15 (AZ): More than 1,000 students march to celebrate life of Cesar Chavez (includes video on UTPA walk out)
- 03/31/2011 Mission Local (CA): Mission District Celebrates Cesar Chavez
- 03/31/2011 Arizona Daily Star: Ethnic studies embraces César Chávez’s philosophy
- 03/31/2011 Bakersfield Californian: Students find roots in Chavez legacy
- 03/31/2011 AFL-CIO: Workers Honor César Chávez Today — “If you want to remember me, organize!”
- 03/31/2011 KRCR-TV (CA): Students Use Day Off to Give Back
- 03/31/2011 EGP News (CA): Cesar Chavez Exhibit Highlights His Struggle for Farmer Workers