“We don’t need perfect political systems; we need perfect participation.” - Cesar Chavez
Cesar Chavez News
- 03/26/2012 Los Angeles Times: Cesar Chavez and farm workers get respect from US Labor Department
- 03/25/2012 The Coloradoan: Cesar Chavez Day — Helping people prosper is key
- 03/25/2012 Lynwood Patch (CA): Volunteers Needed for Cesar Chavez Week
- 03/25/2012 Times-Standard: ent volunteers to help rehab school site for Cesar Chavez Day
- 03/24/2012 Democratic Underground: Presidential Proclamation — Cesar Chavez Day, 2012
- 03/23/2012 Government Executive: Labor Department names auditorium for Cesar Chavez
- 03/22/2012 M-Live (MI): Grand Rapids celebrates Cesar E. Chavez day with annual march (includes photo gallery, 2 videos)
- 03/22/2012 Univ. of Minnesota Daily: Donate blood to support workers
- 03/22/2012 WZZM 13 (MI): Community remembers Cesar Chavez (includes video)
- 03/22/2012 San Fernando Valley Sun (CA): Cesar Chavez March this Sunday in Mission Hills
- 03/21/2012 Colorado State Univ. News: Colorado State University Celebrates Cesar Chavez March 26-31
- 03/20/2012 Patch: County Urges Residents to Volunteer During Cesar Chavez Week
- 03/20/2012 La Voz Nueva: Denver remembers Cesar Chavez’s legacy
- 03/19/2012 San Diego Union Tribune: Remembering Cesar Chavez
- 03/19/2012 NBC San Diego: Breakfast Celebrates 50 Years of United Farmworkers
- 03/19/2012 AOL Noticias: Los Angeles — Honran la labor de líder campesino César Chávez
- 03/17/2012 Ashland Daily Tidings (CA): Latino leaders urge students to excellence at SOU conference
- 03/15/2012 American Rights at Work: Organizing 101, courtesy of the United Farm Workers
- 03/14/2012 Labor’s Edge: New UFW Website Documents Personal Stories From the Farm Worker Movement
- 03/14/2012 Latina Lista: New site aims to rediscover unsung heroes of the farm workers’ movement
- 03/13/2012 San Antonio Express: March for Justice to travel along César E. Chávez Boulevard
- 03/12/2012 Los Angeles County Fed’n of Labor (AFL-CIO): Banquet in the Streets
- 03/12/2012 Tri-Valley Central (AZ): Pinal group honors Chavez, hands out scholarships
- 03/12/2012 Arbiter (Boise State, ID): Cesar E. Chavez Memorial Week
- 03/11/2012 Yuma Sun (AZ): Area groups plan Chavez celebration