“We don’t need perfect political systems; we need perfect participation.” - Cesar Chavez
Cesar Chavez News
- 03/30/2018 Pasadena Now (CA): Chandler Middle School Celebrates Cesar Chavez
- 03/30/2018 Press-Enterprise (CA): Mt. San Jacinto College will celebrate Cesar Chavez
- 03/30/2018 KIMA CBS 29 (WA): Gov. Inslee to sign bill recognizing Cesar Chavez Day
- 03/30/2018 ABC 15 Arizona: Excitement building for return of community garden at Harmon Park
- 03/30/2018 KRCR TV (CA): ‘Cats in the Community’ honors Cesar Chavez through volunteering
- 03/30/2018 Yakima Herald-Republic (WA): Gov. Inslee visiting Yakima to sign bill establishing ‘Cesar Chavez Day’
- 03/30/2018 Huffington Post: The Forgotten Story of Cesar Chavez and the Jews
- 03/29/2018 Los Alamos Daily Post (NM): 25th Annual Recuerda César Chávez Day March & Fiesta
- 03/29/2018 Napa Valley Register (CA): Remembering Cesar Chavez
- 03/29/2018 Fort Worth Star Telegram (TX): On César Chávez’s birthday, a rally with a strong message of non-violence
- 03/29/2018 La Jolla Light (CA): March in honor of the Cesar Chavez Holiday
- 03/29/2018 Cal Coast Times: ACLU hosting civil rights round table event in SLO
- 03/29/2018 Equal Voice Newspaper: Cesar Chavez Day 2018: A Q&A With a Youth Leader in Texas
- 03/29/2018 WDJT^: Milwaukee City and County leaders honor Cesar Chavez
- 03/29/2018 Longmont Times Call (CO): Fort Worth Star Telegram Longmont to hold first Cesar Chavez, Dolores Huerta celebration
- 03/29/2018 Daily Sundial (CA): Matadors celebrate Cesar Chavez with service fair
- 03/29/2018 Fronteras: Phoenix Students Celebrate Life Of Cesar Chavez
- 03/29/2018 EverythingLubbock.com (TX): Lubbock to hold 19th Annual César E. Chávez March & Celebration
- 03/28/2018 VVDailyPress (CA): Peace march to accompany unveiling of Cesar Chavez plaque at Victorville’s Civil Rights Memorial
- 03/28/2018 Coos Bay World (OR): Eighth Annual Cesar Chavez Celebration
- 03/28/2018 KRQE News 13 (NM): Bernalillo County proclaims Saturday as Cesar Chavez Day
- 03/28/2018 Stockton Record (CA): Honoring Cesar Chavez breakfast:
- 03/28/2018 Santa Maria Times (CA): Sanchez Elementary students celebrate Cesar Chavez Day with daylong service learning project
- 03/27/2018 WHTC AM-FM (MI): Hope Cesar Chavez Lecture Today
- 03/27/2018 NBC25News (MI): Former Cesar Chavez Luncheon scholarship recipients come back as keynote speakers