“We don’t need perfect political systems; we need perfect participation.” - Cesar Chavez
Cesar Chavez News
- 04/01/2018 SF Bay Area Indymedia (CA): Cesar Chavez Day Santa Cruz
- 04/01/2018 Herald Palladium (MI): Celebrating the Legacy of César E. Chávez
- 03/31/2018 WCNC (NC): Community gathers to celebrate first annual Cesar Chavez and Dolores Huerta Walk
- 03/31/2018 Mercury News (CA): A’s become first team in MLB to celebrate Cesar Chavez Day
- 03/31/2018 SFBay (CA): César Chávez honored by A’s in MLB first
- 03/31/2018 Salinas Californian: Residents celebrate Cesar Chavez’s birthday with community service
- 03/31/2018 KIMA CBS 29 (WA): Locals gather to celebrate first annual Cesar Chavaz Day
- 03/31/2018 Colorado Springs Gazette: Colorado Springs Cesar Chavez Day observance honors leader, looks to build on legacy
- 03/31/2018 LubbockOnline (TX): Lubbock’s Cesar Chavez March attracts youth carrying message
- 03/31/2018 KOLO (NV): Students honor Cesar Chavez with day of service
- 03/31/2018 KRCR TV (CA): Chico State students march for Cesar Chavez day
- 03/31/2018 KCRA Sacramento: Marchers celebrate Cesar Chavez’s legacy and activism for 18th year
- 03/31/2018 VVdailypress.com (CA): Victorville celebrates Cesar Chavez
- 03/31/2018 KESQ (CA): Cesar Chavez honored in Coachella
- 03/31/2018 KUSA News9 (CO): March highlights legacy of Cesar Chavez
- 03/31/2018 KXAN (TX): UT students cleanup West Campus to honor Cesar E. Chavez’ birthday
- 03/31/2018 KCBD TV (TX): Locals host annual Cesar E. Chavez march as birthday commemoration
- 03/31/2018 NBC San Diego: Happy Cesar Chavez Day, Southern California!
- 03/31/2018 OCRegister (CA): On Cesar Chavez Day, we look at farmworkers’ new challenges
- 03/31/2018 Valdosta Daily Times (GA): United Farm Workers president speaks at VSU
- 03/31/2018 Rocky Mountain Coll\egian: 5 inspirational facts about César Chávez https://collegian.com/2018/03/5-fun-facts-about-cesar-chavez/
- 03/31/2018 Sierra Sun News: AARP: Honoring the Life of Cesar Chavez
- 03/31/2018 Spectrum News (TX): César Chávez Day: The man behind the fight for farm workers’ rights
- 03/30/2018 Imperial Valley News (CA): Albuquerque Journal Governor Brown Issues Proclamation Declaring César Chávez Day
- 03/30/2018 Action News Now (CA): Chico State Students Honor Cesar Chavez