“We don’t need perfect political systems; we need perfect participation.” - Cesar Chavez
Cesar Chavez News
- 04/01/2008 Daily Camera, CO: Banging the drum on Baseline for Cesar Chavez
- 04/01/2008 Inland Valley Daily Bulletin: In Chavez’s honor
- 04/01/2008 Daily Pilot Video: Digging in on Cesar Chavez Day
- 04/01/2008 Monterey County Herald: TIMELY TRIBUTE: Chavez’s story of forming union hits home in tough times
- 04/01/2008 Reno Gazette Journal: Crowd honors memory of César Chávez
- 04/01/2008 El Paso Times: Farmworkers rally on Chávez Day
- 04/01/2008 Univisión: Crece clamor por día de César Chávez
- 04/01/2008 San Mateo County Times: Many of area’s children have farmworker ties
- 04/01/2008 Univisión (video): Celebran el Día de César Chávez 1:32
- 04/01/2008 7 Dias: Partido Demócrata honra a César Chávez
- 04/01/2008 Daily Pilot: Day in laborer’s shoes
- 04/01/2008 UT The Daily Texan: Students celebrate César Chávez with music, dancing
- 03/31/2008 Hoy: Honran la vida y legado de Cesar Chavez
- 03/31/2008 NBC 11: California Celebrates Cesar Chavez
- 03/31/2008 Santa Rosa Press Democrat: More than 1,500 march for immigrants; Day of celebration honors Cesar Chavez
- 03/31/2008 KERO Ch 23: Cesar Chavez Day Celebrated
- 03/31/2008 Democracy Now: Cesar Chavez Day: United Farm Workers Co-Founder Dolores Huerta Reflects on the Life and Legacy of the Legendary Labor Activist (incluudes video
- 03/31/2008 Casa Grande Valley Newspapers, AZ: ‘Yes we can’ plan revisited
- 03/31/2008 El Porvenir: Marchan en California por aniversario del líder agrario César Chávez
- 03/31/2008 KMPH Fox 26: Valley Residents Remember Cesar Chavez
- 03/31/2008 Atlanta Journal Constitution: Hispanics rally for Chavez holiday
- 03/31/2008 LAist: Today is a Holiday… Happy César Chávez Day!
- 03/31/2008 San Jose Mercury News: Lawmakers renew push for federal Cesar Chavez holiday
- 03/31/2008 abc7 news: Farm Workers March for Cesar Chavez and better immigration
- 03/31/2008 KDRV, OR: Community honors the legacy of Cesar Chavez