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CA Heat Regulations: Peregrinacion (May 30-June 4, 2008)

CA Heat Regulations: Peregrinacion (May 30-June 4, 2008)


Pilgrimage for Fallen Farm Workers/
Peregrinacion por Campesinos Caidos

The UFW’s four day peregrinacion in memory of Maria Isabel Vasquez Jimenez ended on June 4 with more than 500 joining in the last leg of the pilgrimage to California’s capitol.

Peregrinos included UFW president Arturo Rodriguez, members of Maria’s family, Maria’s fiancé Florentino Bautista, farm workers and many more.

On June 1, some 600 walkers set out from St. Anne’s Church in Lodi on their way to Sacramento. Leading the solemn procession were three coffins–one for Maria Isabel, one for her unborn child, and the third for all the other farm workers who have died due to the heat.

Farm workers, supporters and those who simply wanted to honor Maria Isabel’s memory came from all over California–from Salinas in the west, Napa in the north, and Kern County in the south–so that what happened to Maria Isabel does not happen again. They heledp give a strong message to the governor and legislators as well as growers and labor contractors.