Author: admin
- 03/29/2017 Co-Presidentes Honorarios
- 03/29/2017 El presidente Obama Dirección de la Convención 50 Aniversario UFW
- 03/26/2017 JUne 21, 2016: ALRB Complaint regarding Bad Faith Bargaining & Exclusion of FLCs
- 03/26/2017 2015-09-17 Decision and Order Gerawan
- 03/26/2017 2015.09.17 Dismissal Letter
- 03/26/2017 2015-09-16. Gerawan. 2013-CL-8-VIS. Letter re Dismissal of Charge. Martinez. m. 2015-09-18
- 03/26/2017 Gerawan Farming Inc Synopsis, updated 9-8-14
- 03/26/2017 Summary of Five ALRB complaints and two rulings against Gerawan
- 03/26/2017 ALRB’s 5th complaint against Prima including 15 additional charges of illegal activities
- 03/26/2017 Fresno County Ag Commissioner Pesticide Exposure Investigation Report
- 03/26/2017 Pablo Gutierrez ULP & Dismissal Notice
- 03/26/2017 ULP on discriminatory wage rates
- 03/26/2017 Order denying Gerawan’s Motion to Dismiss
- 03/26/2017 ALRB issued complaint against Gerawan for refusing to implement collective bargaining agreement
- 03/26/2017 Civil Case Cover Sheet and Filed Complaint Amaro v Gerawan
- 03/26/2017 UFW Objections to the ALRB election
- 03/26/2017 ALRB regional office letter blocking election
- 03/26/2017 ALRB Complaint against Gerawan
- 03/26/2017 ALRB regional office dismissial of first decertification election
- 03/25/2017 Big-Money Radical Right Groups Help Huge Grower to Avoid Paying Millions Already Owed Its Farm Workers
- 03/25/2017 Prima – UFW Chronology, August 2014
- 03/25/2017 Responding to Gerawan’s “fantasy facts”
- 03/25/2017 Background: Gerawan Farming’s refusal to implement a state mandated contract with UFW Public Help Needed.
- 03/25/2017 Did Gerawan really fire a farm worker for whistling?
- 03/25/2017 TAKE ACTION: Support Gerawan workers in San Francisco on Cesar Chavez’ March 31 birthday