Author: admin
- 04/03/2017 Cesar Chavez Bibliography
- 04/03/2017 Education of the Heart: Cesar Chavez in his own words
- 04/03/2017 Cesar Chavez’s first major address after his 36-day 1988 fast over the pesticide poisoning of farm workers.
- 04/03/2017 Cesar Chavez’s Eulogy for Rufino Contreras: February 14, 1979 Calexico CA
- 04/03/2017 Cesar Chavez laid out his vision for farm workers and Latinos in 1984 Commonwealth Club address
- 04/03/2017 ‘This Tragedy Happened Because of Greed’ Farm workers: UFW’s founder spoke to the same issues 25 years ago as were raised by a 1999 van accident that killed 13.
- 04/03/2017 Chavez, Steinbeck: The ties that bind. By UFW Spokesman–and longtime Cesar Chavez press secretary Marc Grossman.
- 04/03/2017 UFW Martyrs
- 04/03/2017 Sampling of Historical Sites at the Forty Acres and Delano
- 04/03/2017 UFW’s Archive: Walter Reuther Labor Library, Wayne State University
- 04/03/2017 Dolores Huerta Biography
- 04/03/2017 Delano Grape Strike
- 04/03/2017 1966 Starr County Farm Workers Strike and March commemorations
- 03/30/2017 President Obama Video Address to the UFW 50th Anniversary Convention
- 03/30/2017 De Colores at UFW Convention
- 03/30/2017 Resolution Si Se Puede Spirit
- 03/30/2017 Resolution Building a Global Movement for Safer Food
- 03/30/2017 Resolution Empowerment of Women and Immigrants
- 03/30/2017 Resolution The Legal Freedom of Association
- 03/30/2017 Resolution Collective Bargaining Representational Agreement
- 03/30/2017 Resolution Unification of Farm Worker Organizations
- 03/30/2017 Resolution Civic Participation Resolution
- 03/30/2017 Helen Fabela Chavez
- 03/29/2017 Calendario de Eventos
- 03/29/2017 Co-Presidentes de la Cena de Premios de la UFW