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UFW backs Alex Padilla for U.S. Senate appointment

United Farm Workers President Teresa Romero announced during the UFW’s 2020 Constitutional Convention being held virtually on Saturday, Nov. 14, 2020 that the union is supporting the appointment of Secretary of State Alex Padilla to succeed Vice President-elect Kamala Harris as a U.S. Senator from California.

Here is how Teresa Romero introduced Alex Padilla to the Convention Delegates:

Secretary of State Alex Padilla is the son of immigrants. He marched with us many times across California. He voted for farm workers 100 percent of the time when he was a state legislator.

As Secretary of State, he has presided over annual citizenship ceremonies at the National Chavez Center and has also been a leader in modernizing our state’s election laws to maximize participation in the voting process by all citizens.  He has made sure that every vote counts. Alex Padilla is the son of a union member, the son of one of our sisters and brothers at UNITEHERE. So, he is like our “nephew.”

It is a pleasure for the United Farm Workers of America to support the appointment of Alex Padilla to replace Vice President-elect Kamala Harris as the next U.S. senator from California.
