Overtime bill a precedent. Victory for farm workers.
United Farm Workers President Arturo S. Rodriguez issued the following statement from the union’s Keene, Calif. headquarters after Gov. Jerry Brown signed AB 1066 (Gonzalez) ending the 78 years of exclusion from overtime for farm workers.
”For 78 years, a Jim Crow-era law discriminated against farm workers by denying us the same overtime rights that other workers benefit from. Here in the U.S. Today, Governor Brown corrected a historic wrong and set an example for other states to follow.
Farm workers have sacrificed and lead this fight. We thank the author Assemblywoman Lorena Gonzalez and legislators who stood up and to the countless activists and civic organizations whose work with the United Farm Workers was instrumental to making this groundbreaking legislation the law of the land in the largest agriculture state in the nation.
Events will take place at UFW offices throughout California tomorrow evening at 6:30 p.m. to celebrate this tremendous victory.”
Proyecto de ley de tiempo extra es una precedente. Victoria para los campesinos.
El presidente de La Unión de Campesinos, Arturo S. Rodríguez, emitió la siguiente declaración desde la sede del sindicato en Keene, Calif., después de que el gobernador Jerry Brown firmó el proyecto de ley AB 1066 (González) poniendo fin a 78 años de exclusión de horas extras para los campesinos.
”Por 78 años, una ley de la era Jim Crow discriminaba en contra de los campesinos al negarles los mismos derechos de tiempo extra de los cuales otros trabajadores se beneficiaban. Hoy en los EE.UU., el gobernador Brown corrigió un error histórico, y puso el ejemplo para que otros estados hagan lo mismo.
Los campesinos han sacrificado y liderado esta lucha. Agradecemos a la autora y asambleísta Lorena González, los legisladores que resistieron y a los innumerables activistas y organizaciones civiles cuyo trabajo con La Unión de Campesinos fue fundamental para a hacer que esta legislación innovadora sea la ley de la tierra en el estado agrícola más grande de la nación.
Los eventos tendrán lugar mañana a las 6:30 p.m. en las oficinas de la UFW en todo California, para celebrar esta gran victoria”.
UFW President Rodriguez thanks everyone for their help in getting #AB1066 passed.
Presidente de UFW, Arturo S. Rodriguez, le da las gracias a todos por su ayuda en pasar #AB1066
Coming out here, into the fields, working this industry we’re not treated equally as other workers. Being treated equally is something that’s important to me. And these guys the campesinos, my coworkers, they should get treated the same and they should get the same benefits. If they got overtime pay, they would be more appreciated for their hard work because you know you work more than eight hours you don’t get overtime right now. The conditions are tough – these conditions mean sun, rain.We don’t have air conditioning here. And we need to be heard. I’m here to be their voice. I’m here to fight for them. Whatever it takes. Whatever it takes to do it. I’m here to do it. We need to speak up for them. A lot of them are afraid. It’s time to not be afraid. It’s time to be heard. — Richard Trujillo, wine grape worker
Rafael Marquez Tamaro on winning #Overtime4FarmWorkers
Farm worker Veronica Mota talks about #Overtime4FarmWorkers becoming law
Salinas area vegetable worker Gonzalo Najera talks about winning #Overtime4FarmWorkers
Vineyard worker Maria DeJesus talks about #Overtime4FarmWorkers
Strawberry worker Denia Garcia on #Overtime4FarmWorkers
Madera farm worker Lourdes Cardenas on winning #Overtime4FarmWorkers
Tomato worker Cristino Cruz on the #Overtime4FarmWorkers vote
Farm worker Adelfo Torres Giron is happy that #AB1066
Broccoli worker Eberardo Ureta on #Overtime4FarmWorkers victory
Vegetable worker Octavio Zepeda shares what #Overtime4FamWorkers means to him
Lettuce worker Joel Carmona talks about #Overtime4FarmWorkers
Tomato worker Isabel Garcia on #AB1066 victory
Emiliano Hernandez thanks the UFW & its supporters for their help in getting #AB1066 passed.
Stockton Grape worker Israel Melo thanks the Governor for signing #AB1066
8/28/2016: Sacramento Bee political cartoon by Jack Ohman.
Please watch and share the powerful video, Overtime After 8 Hours
- 9/12/2016: Los Angeles Times: In historic move, Gov. Jerry Brown expands overtime pay for California farmworkers
- 9/12/2016: La Opinión: ¡Histórico! Se les pagarán horas extra a trabajadores de campo de California
- 9/12/2016: Wall Street Journal: California Farmworkers to Get Overtime Pay After 8 Hours Under New Law
- 9/12/2016: Monterey County Weekly: Gov. Jerry Brown grants overtime pay to California farmworkers
- 9/12/2016: Telemundo: Campesinos en CA recibirán pago por horas extras
- 9/12/2016: Associated Press: In historic move, California expands overtime to farmworkers
- 9/12/2016: ABC 10 (CA): Farmworkers react to passage of overtime pay bill
- 9/12/2016: Univision: California convierte en ley pagar las horas extra a los campesinos
- 9/12/2016: Sacramento Bee: California farmworker overtime bill signed by Jerry Brown
- 9/12/2016: Los Angeles Times: Gov. Jerry Brown signs historic legislation granting expanded overtime pay to farmworkers
- 9/12/2016: Capitol Public Radio: Brown Signs Farmworker Overtime Bill
- 9/12/2016: Hoy Los Angeles: Campesinos en California percibirán pagos por horas extras
- 9/12/2016: Overtime bill a precedent. Victory for farm workers
- 9/12/2016: Proyecto de ley de tiempo extra es una precedente. Victoria para los campesinos.
- 9/8/2016: Monterey County Weekly: Farmworkers could get overtime, despite outcry from growers.
- 9/8/2016: Santa Barbara Independent: Overtime Pay for Farmworkers? Bill Would Close Loopholes for Ag Workers
- 9/6/2016: Vida en el Valle: Why Gov. Brown should sign farmworker overtime bill
- 9/3/2016: Huffington Post – The Forefront of Progress: California Passes Historic Legislation to Protect Farm Workers, By UFW President Arturo S. Rodriguez
- 9/2/2016: Sacramento Bee: Jack Ohman: RFK and Chavez
- 9/2/2016: KQED: Labor Secretary Calls on Gov. Brown to Sign Farmworker Overtime Bill
- 9/1/2016: San Francisco Chronicle: California farmworkers await decision on historic overtime bill
- 8/31/2016: Sacramento Bee (CA): Countdown to Jerry Brown: Will he help farmworkers, or stab them in the back?
- 8/30/2016: Sacramento Bee: Farm laborers exult, farmers worry about California overtime bill
- 8/31/2016: Think Progress: California Is Poised To Close Jim Crow-Era Loophole That’s Still Punishing Farmworkers Today
- 8/31/2016: Sacramento Bee: Jack Ohman: Sit-in
- 8/30/2016: Capital and Main: Farm Workers Win Historic Overtime Pay Victory
- 8/30/2016: Ventura County Star (CA): Editorial: Farmworkers deserve overtime after 8 hours
- 8/30/2016: CBS Local (CA): Farmworkers Anxious As They Await California Governor’s Decision on Overtime Bill
- 8/30/2016: Los Angeles Times: Essential Politics: Will Jerry Brown give farmworkers what they want?
- 8/30/2016: Mother Jones: California Lawmakers Vote to Expand Overtime Pay for Farmworkers
- 8/30/2016: Sacramento Bee (CA): Countdown to Jerry Brown: Will he help farmworkers, or stab them in the back?
- 8/29/2016: California Senate Democrats Video: CA State Senate: Farm Workers Deserve Equal Access to Overtime Pay
- 8/29/2016: KCRA Sacramento: Bill expands overtime for California farmworkers
- 8/29/2016: Los Angeles Times: California farmworkers could see overtime expanded in the next decade after historic Assembly vote
- 8/29/2016: Los Angeles Times: U.S. Labor Secretary Tom Perez tweets support for expanding overtime pay for California farmworkers
- 8/29/2016: KQED (CA): In Historic Vote, Assembly OKs Hiking Overtime Pay for Farmworkers
- 8/29/2016: Hundreds of farm workers return to state Capitol for a vote on overtime pay
- 8/29/2016: Sacramento Bee: California farmworker overtime expansion sent to Gov. Jerry Brown
- 8/29/2016: Univision: La ley que regulará las horas extras de los campesinos en California queda en manos del gobernador
- 8/29/2016: Los Angeles Times: California farmworkers could see overtime expanded in the next decade after historic Assembly vote
- 8/29/2016: EFE: Aprueban en California mejora a horas extras para trabajadores agrarios
- 8/29/2016: Associated Press: Bill to increase farm overtime moves to California governor
- 8/29/2016: Noticial Tierra: California: Reforman pago de tiempo extra a peones agrícolas
- 8/29/016: VIDEO – Farm worker Gonzalo Najera talks about his work in the fields & overtime
- 8/29/016: VIDEO – Martha Moreno on why she was in Sacramento fighting for overtime
- 8/29/016: VIDEO – Adelfo Torres on why he went to Sacramento to fight for overtime
- 8/29/016: VIDEO – Lourdes Cardenas talks about being in Sacramento to fight for Overtime
- 8/29/016: VIDEO – Veronica Mota on why she went to Sacramento to fight for overtime
- 8/29/016: VIDEO – CA State Senate: Farm Workers Deserve Equal Access to Overtime
- 8/29/016: VIDEO – UFW President Rodriguez talks about #Overtime4Farmworkers passing CA Assembly.
- 8/29/016: VIDEO – Farm workers watching the vote count for #Overtime4FarmWorkers & reacting to vote count.
- 8/29/016: VIDEO – Farm workers respond to #Overtime4FarmWorkers #AB1066 passing. Si se pudo!
- 8/29/2016: PHOTOS: Hundreds of farm workers in Sacramento lobbying for AB1066
- 8/29/2016: Cientos de campesinos regresarán a la capital del estado para el voto del pago de tiempo extra
- 8/26/2016: Pacific Standard Magazine: California Could Become the First State to Grant Farmworkers Overtime
- 8/26/2016: Politico: California to vote on overtime for ag workers
- 8/26/2016: Los Angeles Times: Emotions flare over legislation to expand overtime pay for California farmworkers
- 8/26/2016: News Radio KFBK @ Farmworkers Leave Capitol Frustrated After Delayed Vote on Overtime Pay Bill
- 8/26/2016: KQED: Assembly to Vote on Farmworker Overtime Bill After Protest
- 8/26/2016: Sacramento Bee video: Farmworker Luis Altamirano shares how overtime pay would change his life
- 8/25/2016: Más de 250 campesinos de una amplia variedad de cultivos, en las principales regiones agrícolas en California, renunciaron a un día de salario para presionar por el pago de horas extras después de ocho horas
- 8/25/2016: Sacramento Bee: AM Alert: Farmworker overtime returns to Assembly for make-or-break vote
- 8/25/2016: Photos: Hundreds of farm workers in Sacramento lobbying for AB1066
- 8/25/2016: Capital & Main: Key Democrats Could Deny Farm Workers Overtime Pay as Battle Goes Down to the Wire
- 8/25/2016: VIDEO: #AB1066 news conference and rally at capitol steps #Overtime4FarmWorkers #TheyFeedUs
- 8/25/2016: Video: Senate President Kevin De Leon speaking about overtime for farm
- 8/24/2016: Sacramento Bee (CA): Is California really progressive? The vote on farmworker overtime is a test of our values
- 8/24/2016: Davis Vanguard (CA): Wolk Casts Decisive Vote to Advance Farm Worker Overtime
- 8/24/2016: Vida en el Valle (CA): Overtime pay for farmworkers takes another step forward
- 8/24/2016: AP The Big Story: California lawmakers revive farmworker overtime bill
- 8/24/2016: Photos: Rally at Asm. Nazarian’s office for AB1066
- 8/24/2016: Photos: Vigil at Asm. Cooley’s district office in support of #AB1066
- 8/24/2016: Photos: Farm workers & Constituents urging Asm Low to support overtime for farm workers
- 8/24/2016: Periodico Correo: Modifican Ley de trabajo en horas extras para trabajadores agrícolas en California
- 8/23/2016: Univision Noticias: Aprueban propuesta de pago de tiempo extra a trabajadores del campo (video)
- 8/23/2016: La Prensa Sonoma: Senado estatal aprobó ley de pago de horas extra a trabajadores agrícolas
- 8/23/2016: Telemundo: California discute plan sobre salario de trabajadores agrícolas
- 8/23/2016: VDEO – AB1066 Senate Floor Senate: Senhate Pro Tem Kevin De Leon
- 8/23/2016: Farmworkers ask Asm. Daly to vote YES on AB1066.
- 8/23/2014: Santa Rosa Press Democrat: State Senate passes farmworker overtime bill
- 8/23/2016: Urging Asm Low to support overtime for farm workers.
- 8/22/2016: Associated Press: California lawmakers revive farmworker overtime bill
- 8/22/2016: Los Angeles Times: California lawmakers in the Senate have passed a bill by Assemblywoman Lorena Gonzalez to expand farmworker overtime pay
- 8/22/2016: La Prensa Sonoma: Senado estatal aprobó ley de pago de horas extra a trabajadores agrícolas
- 8/22/2016: Univision: Aprueban propuesta de pago de tiempo extra a trabajadores del campo
- 8/22/2016: Selfie campaign to support #Overtime4Farmworkers
- 8/22/2016: Senate Leader Kevin de León speaks on #AB1066 #Overtime4Farmworkers
- 8/22/2016: Video: Sen. Mitchell Remarks on AB1066
- 8/22/2016: VIDEO: “Selfie” Apoyo de Overtime: Publica tu selfie en Facebook o Twitter para mostrar tu apoyo al proyecto de ley de tiempo extra#Overtime4Farmworkers y que deseas que tu legislador vote a favor del#AB1066.
- 8/21/2016: Los Angeles Times: California lawmakers expect another showdown on overtime pay for farmworkers
- 8/21/2016: Sacramento Bee: AM Alert: Farmworker overtime, one more time
- 8/19/2016: Valley Public Radio (NPR) (CA): Is It Time For Farmworkers To Receive Overtime Like Every Other Hourly Worker?
- 8/17/2016: Photos: Farm workers are in Sacramento lobbying legislators on AB1066
- 8/17/2016: Photos: Breaking of 24hr Fast for Farmworker Overtime
- 8/16/2016: Human Billboard asking Rep. Bloom to vote YES on AB1066
- 8/16/2016: Legislators, Faith Leaders Lead 24hr Fast for Farmworker Overtime
- 8/16/2016: News Advisory: Legislators and Faith Leaders Lead 24-Hour Fast for Farmworker Overtime
- 8/16/2016: CBS Local (CA): California Farm Workers Make Push For Overtime Pay
- 8/16/2016: San Diego Union-Tribune (CA): Fasting for farmworker overtime
- 8/16/2016: LA Times: California lawmakers, faith leaders fast in support of an Assembly bill that would phase in overtime pay for farmworkers
- 8/11/2016: CAPITAL & MAIN: Farm Worker Overtime Bill Heads for Another Vote
- 8/4/2016: Jewish Journal: Overtime for farm workers: Can we finally get it right?
- 7/1/2016: Senate Committee Approves Farmworker Overtime Bill
- 6/20/2016: Los Angeles Times: Bill to expand overtime rules for farmworkers is resurrected in the Legislature
- 6/18/2016: Salon.com: Seventy years of exploitation: The enduring plight of California’s farm workers
- 6/16/2016: Capital and Main: The Fight Isn’t Over for Farm Worker Overtime
- Sacramento Bee: Three Bible quotes later, no extra overtime pay for farmworkers
- 6/1/2016: Farm workers’ heroic efforts to pass overtime fall short
- 6/02/2016: Photos – Almost 300 farm workers lobbying for their overtime bill
- 5/31/2016: Photos – Farm workers are in Sacramento lobbying for their overtime bill
- 5/25/2016: Los Angeles Times Editorial: Farmworkers are treated unfairly in California. Sacramento has a chance to right that wrong
- 5/23/2016: ABC 10: Farm workers concerned about overtime bill
- 4/17/2016: Bakersfield Californian: Hundreds march in Delano to honor Cesar Chavez’s legacy
- 4/10/2016: Ventura County Star (CA): Cesar Chavez march in Oxnard shows support for farmworkers
- 4/8/2016: San Diego Union-Tribune (CA): Equal overtime rules could save lives
- 4/6/2016: Capitol Public Radio: Assembly Bill Quickens Overtime Pay For Farm Workers
- 4/3/2016: Santa Rosa Press Democrat: March honors Chavez, blasts Trump
- 4/3/2016: Salinas Californian: “Si Se Puede” rings out across Salinas
- 4/3/2016: Sunday in Central, Coastal & Sonoma valleys: Farm workers march to honor Chavez birthday, stop Trump and push for overtime pay
- 4/3/2016: Domingo en Central, Coastal y Sonoma Valleys: Los campesinos marchan para conmemorar el cumpleaños de Chávez, parar a Trump y presionar por el pago de horas extras
- 4/1/2016: Farmworkers to march for overtime pay
- 3/15/2016: San Diego Union Tribune: Assembly bill proposes 8-hour work days for farmworkers
- Hillary Clinton letter in support of AB 2757″The Phase-In Overtime for Agricultural Workers Act of 2016.”