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Women File Lawsuit Against State’s Largest Dairy for Sex Discrimination Denounce Taxpayer Support for Discriminatory Employer

CONTACT: Erik Nicholson 206-255-5774

Embargoed until September 24, 2004

Women File Lawsuit Against State’s Largest Dairy for Sex Discrimination
Denounce Taxpayer Support for Discriminatory Employer

Three women will announce the filing of a lawsuit in Multnomah Circuit Court against the dairies located at Threemile Canyon Farms on Friday, September 24, 2004 at 1 p.m. at 111 SW Naito Parkway, Second floor, Portland. All three women applied for work at these dairies but were not hired. Their male counterparts, however, were hired during the same period of time.


Threemile Canyon Farms is one of the largest dairies in the country. The State of Oregon provided $20 million in bonds to facilitate its creation. The federal government, in 2002, paid over $200,000 in subsidies to these dairies.

The plaintiffs will be joined by current workers from the dairies and Steve Witte, Executive Director of the Oregon Farm Worker Ministry.

WHO: Women who applied for work at the dairies located at Threemile Canyon Farms
          Current Threemile Canyon Farms workers, Steve Witte, Executive Director of the Oregon Farm
          Worker Ministry

WHAT: Sexual Discrimination Lawsuit against State’s largest dairy

WHERE: 111 SW Naito Parkway, Second Floor, Portland

WHEN: Friday, September 24, 1 p.m.