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Who’s working the hardest for America? Farm workers pose that question to Congressman McCarthy and Republican leadership, as they ask them to “Do Your Jobs” and schedule a vote on immigration legislation

Thursday, Dec. 5, at 10:30 a.m.
Who’s working the hardest for America? Farm workers pose that question to Congressman McCarthy and Republican leadership, as they ask them to “Do Your Jobs” and schedule a vote on immigration legislation

UFW Foundation to host naturalization workshops this week in Kern County as part of Bakersfield’s “11 days for the 11 million” sit-in and fast campaign

Bakersfield, CA – On the third day of the “11 days for the 11 million” sit-in and fast campaign, which kicked off Tuesday at the district office of House Majority Whip Kevin McCarthy in Bakersfield, the United Farm Workers, the UFW Foundation and Campesina Radio Network will deliver to McCarthy’s local office a Christmas tree filled with ornaments highlighting the stories of farm workers and offering a glimpse of the life working in the fields. Farm workers will also bring the fruit of their labor to be placed under the Christmas tree as gifts to remind Congressman McCarthy and the rest of the House Republican Caucus, including House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio), about who’s actually working hard for America and who needs to step it up.

The “11 days for the 11 million” campaign is sponsored by a broad statewide pro-immigration reform coalition of California businesses, unions, community and faith groups. The 11 days represent the estimated 11 million of new immigrants who live in the shadows due to the current immigration system that denies them the opportunity to adjust their immigration status. Each day will have a different theme and Thursday, Dec. 5th, the theme is about farm workers and the contributions they make to Kern County, the state and the nation. 

Immigration reform activists, who plan to “occupy” Rep. McCarthy’s Bakersfield office until Friday, Dec. 13, the last day Congress is in session, seek to ramp up the pressure on the congressman, who is the third most powerful Republican in the House of Representatives.  During this time, several immigration reform advocates will begin fasting in solidarity with those in Washington, DC.

At the same time, teams of canvassers will reach out to constituents in neighborhoods of Rep. McCarthy’s district and engage residents about the importance of passing comprehensive immigration reform and educate constituents of how Congressman McCarthy is blocking reform from happening this year. In addition, the campaign will focus on registering new district voters.

The UFW Foundation will be also hosting two workshops on how to apply for U.S. citizenship and provide assistance with the application process. The first naturalization workshop is Thursday, Dec. 5, at 6 p.m. at the David Head Center, 10300 San Diego St. in Lamont, and the second is scheduled for Saturday, Dec. 7, at 10 a.m. at the UFW offices (Forty Acres), 30168 Garces Hwy, in Delano. For more details, call the UFW Foundation office at (661) 324-2500.

Day 3: “11 Days for 11 Million”

What:  Farm workers bring the fruit of their labor to be placed under a Christmas Tree decorated in a farm worker theme to remind Congressman McCarthy and the rest of the House Republican Caucus they are doing their job, so lawmakers need to do theirs.

Who:  Farm workers and immigration advocates and families affected by the current immigration system

When:  Thursday, Dec. 5, at 10:30 a.m.          

Where:  Rep. Kevin McCarthy’s office, 4100 Empire Drive, Bakersfield, CA

Visuals: Christmas tree decorated with bandanas, gloves, hats, and ornaments, featuring farm workers. Gift boxes under Christmas tree full with fruits and vegetables picked by farm workers.


The Kern Coalition for Citizenship is comprised of a broad alliance of partners, such as SEIU Local 521, United Farm Workers (UFW), UFW Foundation, La Campesina 92.5, Cesar Chavez Foundation, Lideres Campesinas, SEIU International, Mi Familia Vota Education Fund, SEIU Local 1000, Communications Workers of America, CA Partnership, Dolores Huerta Foundation, CSUB United Now for Immigrant Rights (UNIR), CSUB MECHA, Unidad Popular Benito Juarez (UPBJ), California Faculty Association – Bakersfield Chapter, Heritage of America, American G.I. Forum—Kern County Chapter, CHIRLA, Community Trust Federal Credit Union, F.I.E.L.D. and Organizing for Action.

The UFW, UFW Foundation, Campesina Radio Network, and the Cesar Chavez Foundation have been actively involved in pushing for comprehensive immigration reform through its ‘Con La Union de Campesinos Tendremos Papeles’ (With the United Farm Workers, we will get our papers) nationwide campaign. Last month just before Thanksgiving, the farm worker movement, in collaboration with other pro-immigration organizations, delivered wine and turkey to House Representatives in D.C. as part of the "Do Your Jobs" campaign. In Bakersfield, the farm worker movement was also involved in a 24-hour fast for immigration reform seeking to reach to the mind and heart of Congressman Kevin McCarthy and asking him to push for a House vote. More activities are being planned for the month of December. To get involved, visit our website at or call a UFW office in your area.