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Vilsack says he’ll support partnership between farm workers and growers

Vilsack says he’ll support partnership between farm workers and growers

SANTA CLARA, CA – U.S. Agriculture Tom Vilsack held a private meeting in Santa Clara County today with United Farm Workers members, leaders, and UFW President Arturo S. Rodriguez.  The round table discussion focused on concerns and issues impacting the agricultural industry.
"We applaud President Obama and Secretary Vilsack’s pledge to transform the Department of Agriculture into a department that fairly addresses the concerns and diverse needs of both, farm workers and agricultural employers. Today’s Vilsack visit to unionized farm workers and employers demonstrates a commitment to supporting farm worker priorities on immigration reform, such as AgJOBS, and partnerships between union agricultural workers and agricultural employers," Rodriguez said.
"Secretary Vilsack understands the concerns and needs facing the agricultural industry in today’s economic climate.  Today he reiterated his commitment to ensuring growers have a legalized and stable work force and that farm workers should be able go into the fields to harvest our crops that feed America without fear of abuse or deportation," he added.
