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UFW response to ALRB complaint against UFW issued June 14, 2005, the same day the Gallo wine boycott was declared

UFW response to ALRB complaint against
UFW issued June 14, 2005,
the same day the Gallo wine boycott was declared:

Is it a believable coincidence that the Gallos filed these baseless charges on Nov. 1, 2004, and General Counsel Norma Turner decided to issue a complaint more than seven months later on the very day the UFW declared the boycott of Gallo wine? That’s a question people can answer for themselves.

General Counsel Turner has consistently dismissed charge after charge filed by the UFW and gone to complaint on bogus and fabricated charges filed by the Gallos. We look forward to disproving the allegations in this complaint before a state judge if it is set for a hearing.

Remember it is the Gallos who have refused any benefits or protections for the great majority of their work force. After the UFW sat for an entire day in the last negotiating session and made major movement on key positions, the Gallos offered a wage increase of one-quarter of one percent. It was worse than insulting.