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UFW opposes environmental permit for Threemile Canyon Farms

UFW opposes environmental permit for Threemile Canyon Farms

The United Farm Workers of America, AFL-CIO and over 850 concerned citizens from across the United States urged the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service on Tuesday to oppose a permit allowing Threemile Canyon Farms to eliminate habitat for four threatened species. The four animals are the Washington Ground Squirrel, Ferruginous Hawk, Loggerhead Shrike and Sage Sparrow.
Applying for the permit, in addition to Threemile Canyon Farms, are Portland General Electric, the Oregon Fish and Wildlife Service and the Nature Conservancy.

If granted, the application, known as a “Multi-species Candidate Conservation Agreement with Assurances,” would allow Threemile Canyon Farms to eliminate habitat for four threatened species in exchange for setting aside approximately 23,480 acres of habitat.  Threemile Canyon Farms is the largest farm of its type in North America and in addition to the dairies, grows crops on approximately 34,000 acres.

“We’re calling on the U.S Fish and Wildlife Service to deny this application because it is woefully incomplete,” said Erik Nicholson, Pacific Northwest regional director for the UFW. “Pesticides are known or suspected to be causes of the continued decline of at least three of these species. This application fails to take into consideration the impact of these chemicals on the species they’re proposing to protect.” The UFW are calling on their national lists of supporters to oppose the application.
There are hundreds of pesticides registered for use in Oregon.   “Many of these pesticides can harm the species listed in this application,” said Nicholson, who also serves on the EPA’s National Pesticide Program Advisory Committee.
In Oregon, OSHA issued 12 citations earlier this year. Eleven citations were categorized as serious and almost all related to the use of dangerous chemicals.
The UFW questions whether steps the farm and PGE outlined in the application are necessary and in the best interest of these species. PGE proposes to destroy up to 50% of habitat for the loggerhead shrike on its property that is not set aside as a conservation area to establish a landfill or other “by-product storage area.” Threemile Canyon Farms proposes completely eliminating all habitat for the listed species on the overwhelming majority of its property.
“Neither PGE or Threemile Canyon Farms establishes why such destruction of habitat is necessary or explored any alternatives in this application,” said Nicholson. “If the federal government is going to condone these practices, the public at a minimum deserves a full explanation prior to these corporations receiving the green light,” he added.
The UFW also expressed concern about proposed use of industrial waste water contained at PGE’s reservoir for irrigation water. “Here again, neither the Farm or PGE make any toxicological assessment as to the impact of the use of the waste water on these species, much less on the workers employed in those fields,” said Nicholson.
The UFW is calling on the fish and wildlife service to deny the application, require applicants to resubmit an application addressing these concerns and once again allow for public comment.
“We believe these species need to be protected,” said Nicholson. “We want to ensure that what is being proposed will actually result in the continued viability of these animals.”
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