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UFW leader, farm workers join rally & immigration reform march; risk arrest at civil disobedience action on Capitol Hill

12:00 – 5:00 p.m. TOMORROW, Oct. 8, 2013
UFW leader, farm workers join rally & immigration reform march; risk arrest at civil disobedience action on Capitol Hill

Following actions in more than 160 cities, well-known artists Los Tigres de Norte and Lila Downs, as well as Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi and other elected, labor, and advocacy leaders will join tens of thousands activists in the nation’s capital to demand immigration reform with path to citizenship this year 

Washington, DC – Tomorrow, October 8, tens of thousands of people from across the country will gather in the nation’s capital to demand the House Republican leadership pass comprehensive immigration reform with a pathway to citizenship. Two hundred of the attendees – local and national leaders, impacted immigrants, and civil rights, labor, and faith leaders, have decided to take the rally one step further by engaging in civil disobedience, which puts them at risk of arrest.

United Farm Workers National Vice President Giev Kashkooli and California farm workers Fabio Calderon and Francisco Torres will be among those risking arrest. The civil disobedience action will be held to send the strongest message possible to House GOP leaders that the fight for immigrant families has escalated and will continue to do so until the House Republicans bring immigration legislation with a path to citizenship to the floor for a vote. (attached farm worker profiles)

The Camino Americano: March for Immigration Reform will feature popular Latino artists, members of Congress and prominent immigration reform advocates from labor, civil rights, faith and community groups. Following mass mobilizations in more than 160 cities, the event serves to continue the broad movement’s plans of escalation for the month of October to ensure Congress votes and approves immigration reform before the end of this year. 

WHAT:            Camino Americano: March for Dignity and Respect

WHERE:         Program begins at National Mall, following with a march to U.S. Capitol

WHEN:            Tuesday, October 8, 2013, 12:00  – 5:00 p.m. (EST)

WHO:              Musicians Los Tigres del Norte and Lila Downs

Sen. Robert Menendez (D-NJ) and Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) and Rep. Luis Gutierrez (D-IL) who will be joined by 30 members of Congress, civil rights leader Julian Bond, AFT President Randi Weingarten and national labor union officers, immigration reform and faith leaders.

The UFW, UFW Foundation, Campesina Radio Network, and the Cesar Chavez Foundation have been actively involved in pushing for comprehensive immigration reform through its ‘Con La Union de Campesinos Tendremos Papeles’ (With the United Farm Workers, we will get our papers) nationwide campaign. Last week, the farm worker movement launched a three-day campaign called "Harvesting the American Dream" and went to 100 of the largest farms in California collecting signed postcards from farm workers urging Congressman Kevin McCarthy to push for a vote in the House on immigration reform with citizenship. More activities are being planned for the month of October. To get involved, visit our website at or call a UFW office in your area.


Fabio Calderon from Oxnard, CA

Fabio Calderon, a United Farm Workers member, has worked in the fields for 30 years.  The Oxnard, California resident works in the mushroom fields in the Ventura County area. Calderon is a U.S. legal resident who hopes to become a citizen pretty soon.  He is traveling to Washington, D.C. because he wants to see immigration reform successfully pass this year.

Calderon is risking arrest so that 11 million new immigrants can adjust their immigration status and one day fulfill their dream of becoming full citizens of this country. When he first came to the United States, he, too, was undocumented and understands firsthand the injustices lived in the fields when you don’t have your immigration documents in order.

Francisco Torres from Porterville, CA

For approximately 32 years, Francisco Torres has worked in the fields.  He currently works picking oranges in the rich lands of California’s San Joaquin Valley. Torres lives in Porterville, CA which is part of Congressman Kevin McCarthy’s district. Torres, who is a U.S. citizen, traveled to Washington D.C. to participate in the October 8 activities and support all the families who are undocumented.  He understands the importance of legalization and believes that new immigrants deserve that opportunity so they, too, can have rights that he and other citizens enjoy.  He doesn’t want to see any more injustices against these families, many who feel helpless without papers. Francisco said he doesn’t want to see people being taken advantage along the border or by the coyotes. Living undocumented lives put them as prey for others to take advantage of them, he says. That’s why on Tuesday, he is risking arrest to help pass immigration reform this year.