9 a.m. August 3, in L.A., 4:15 p.m. in Healdsburg
UFW boosts stakes in Gallo of Sonoma contract battle with 25,000-name petition, new web site & full-page ad
United Farm Workers President Arturo Rodrgiuez traverses the state on Tuesday, from Los Angeles north to Healdsburg, pressing for a new contract with Gallo of Sonoma the day before a bargaining session scheduled Wednesday with the winemaking giant.
— At L.A. City Hall, Rodriguez will display petitions with the names of more than 25,000 Americans collected over the Internet–all pledging to boycott Gallo wines unless a “fair and just” contract is negotiated. The UFW
president will also unveil a new GalloUnfair.com web site featuring the latest in cartoon animation created by renowned Chicano artist Lalo Alcaraz (http://www.gallounfair.com).
Rodriguez joins L.A. city councilmembers for a 9 a.m. news conference followed by a 10 a.m. session where the City Council will pass a resolution calling on Gallo to settle with its vineyard workers.
— In Northern California that afternoon, Rodriguez joins Gallo of Sonoma workers and supporters as they deliver the petitions to the company at its Healdsburg wine tasting room in Sonoma County. Then he and the workers attend a rally at a nearby Catholic Church. Also on Tuesday will be published a UFW-sponsored full-page ad in the Santa Rosa Press Democrat paid with funds collected via Internet appeals.
Gallo of Sonoma workers have been laboring without a union contract since Nov. 1, 2003. On Dec. 19, a state administrative judge ruled the company violated California law when it illegally tried to decertify, or get
rid, of the UFW.
The petitions and Internet appeals cite the 1973-77 UFW boycott of Gallo wines, which drew support from millions of Americans, according to a 1975 Louis Harris poll. Petitioners and e-mail appeals urge the company to avoid a new boycott by negotiating in good faith.
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9 a.m. Tuesday, Aug. 3, 2004–News conference with UFW President Arturo Rodriguez and L.A. city councilmembers, including Alex Padilla, in the City Hall Press Room, 200 N. Spring St., Los Angeles.
10 a.m.–Adoption of Gallo of Sonoma resolution in the Council Chambers.
4:15 p.m.–Rodriguez and Gallo of Sonoma workers and supporters present 25,000-name petition to company officials at Gallo of Sonoma tasting room, 320 Center St., Healdsburg (north of Santa Rosa).
5:15 p.m.-Rally at St. John’s Catholic Church, 208 Matheson St., Healdsburg.
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