links Gallo boycott and gay marriage fights
I am proud to announce that the United Farm Workers of America endorses and will work to pass AB 19, by Assemblymember Mark Leno. This is about one civil rights movement joining forces with another to affirm shared values of social justice. Our struggles for economic justice and equality are rightfully linked: the farm workers current boycott of Gallo wine and the battle to achieve equality for all through AB 19.
This announcement has special meaning for me. Beginning in the 1970s, before there was widespread public acceptance of gays, especially among Latinos, my grandfather, Cesar Chavez, spoke out strongly for gay rights. He attended gay rights rallies and marches. He brought with him the UFW’s black-eagle flags and farm workers who wished to participate.
There are certain lessons a granddaughter learned from growing up around her grandfather: You can’t champion equality for your own people when you tolerate discrimination against any people because of who they are. Also, leadership isn’t about following the crowd. It’s about getting out in front and leading people in the right direction.
Because they have so often been the victims of discrimination, farm workers and Latinos of all ages have a strong affinity for equal rights and opportunities. Freedom is indivisible. You cannot grant it to some and deny it to others. It is either for everybody or it is for nobody.
We understand there are many minds, and hearts, to change. Recent polls show the majority of Latinos do not favor same-sex marriage. Yet there are many Latino gay and lesbian families and the polls also reveal that nearly seven in 10 young Latinos, between the ages of 18 and 29, back gay marriage. The UFW will do its part to promote social justice and equality for everyone.
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