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UFW applauds Senate Democrats for killing bill exempting most state growers from health and safety inspections

Thursday, March 17
UFW applauds Senate Democrats for killing bill exempting
most state growers from health and safety inspections

Legislation that would have placed Washington state farm workers at great risk died on the floor of the state Senate Wednesday night. Strongly opposed by the United Farm Workers of America, SB 5632 would have exempted more than 60 percent of the state’s growers from first time health and safety inspections.
"We thank the Democratic Senate leadership for allowing this bad bill to die," says Erik Nicholson, Pacific Northwest regional director of the UFW. Earlier in the week, the UFW mobilized hundreds of supporters to contact senators in opposition to the measure.
"With farm workers already experiencing a 35% higher injury rate than private industry, and Mexican immigrants dying four times greater than their non-Mexican counterparts in Washington, this bill would have been a huge step backwards," Nicholson adds.
The proposal was also opposed by the Washington State Labor Council, legal advocates and the state Department of Labor and Industries.
"We need to reframe the discussion to focus on how are we going to further protect farm workers rather than create exemptions for growers," Nicholson says.
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