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UFW applauds Obama’s pick for Secretary of Labor

UFW applauds Obama’s pick for Secretary of Labor

KEENE, CA – Arturo Rodriguez, president of the United Farm Workers of America, said the UFW welcomes plans by President-elect Barack Obama to tap Latina Democratic Rep. Hilda Solis for Secretary of Labor.

“We are glad to see that President-elect Barack Obama’s promise to make government work for working-class Americans is already coming to fruition. With the pending nomination of Congresswoman Hilda Solis to lead the nation’s Labor Department, we are a step closer to protecting the working men and women who toil in the fields,” he said.

As a legislator and congresswoman, Solis has tireless advocated for AgJOBS, the Employee Free Choice Act and has a record of improving working conditions in the workplace.

“Congresswoman Solis has worked in collaboration with the United Farm Workers for years to bring basic protections and dignity to one of the most vulnerable segments of our society. As a life-long supporter of union representation and as an advocate of worker’s rights, we are confident Ms. Solis will help restore what was the initial mission of the Labor Department. We know we can trust her to protect and defend the well-being of America’s workers and strengthen our communities.”

“With her appointment, farm workers have a friend and someone who understands their plight. We look forward to working with Congresswoman Solis in helping rebuild America,” Rodriguez added.