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UFW and Bustamante organizing ‘no’ on recall grass roots drive among Latino voters across the state


UFW and Bustamante organizing ‘no’ on recall grass roots drive among Latino voters across the state

Hundreds of farm workers and supporters in East Los Angeles are joining a statewide drive to turn out Latino voters against the recall of Gov. Davis organized by the United Farm Workers and the campaign of Lt. Gov. Cruz Bustamante during the last four days before the Oct. 7 election.
Some 1,500 UFW campaign workers are expected to walk door-to-door in Latino neighborhoods throughout the state on Saturday, Sunday and Tuesday alone. Hundreds of them will hit the streets in East L.A. The drive is also focusing on the Central Valley and Central Coast.
Farm workers oppose Republican Arnold Schwarzenegger, who has accepted millions of dollars in corporate contributions and endorsements from anti-union groups such as the Western Growers Assn. and Farm Bureau. Most top Schwarzenegger campaign advisers were aides to former Gov. Pete Wilson. “Under Gov. Wilson, enforcement of laws protecting farm workers was effectively shut down,” UFW President Arturo Rodriguez notes. “We can’t risk another Republican governor who’s against the farm workers and for the corporate growers.”