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UFW: President Obama’s decision to stop deportation of some young people a good first step

UFW: President Obama’s decision to stop deportation of some young people a good first step

United Farm Workers President Arturo S. Rodriguez issued the following statement after President Obama announced today the suspension of deportations of undocumented young immigrants who meet certain criteria. The Obama administration said it will stop immediately the deportation of law-abiding young people and make them eligible for work permits.

"The UFW applauds President Obama’s decision today to grant deferred action process for young undocumented immigrants who came to this country before the age of 16 and have since abided by the laws. This is a good first step to help the hundreds of thousands of young people who were brought here through no fault of their own. A lot of those children are the children of farm workers who’s hard work feed our nation.


It is crucial, however, that we continue pressuring legislators to take action, registering to vote and electing those candidates who support our cause. We need Congress to fix our broken immigration system and deliver fair treatment for farm workers who harvest our food and create a way for bright and talented young people who grew up in America to legalize their status and achieve their dreams.


The UFW is committed to continue our fight to make sure that these young immigrants, as well as their families, whose talent and hard work have helped build this great country, one day can live and work without fear of deportation. We will be working with the Obama Administration to do educational meetings in all of the areas where the UFW has a presence to give farm workers and their families clear and accurate information about how the rule will work.

