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UFW Praises Federal Judge for Blocking Key Parts of SB 1070, Arizona’s Anti-Immigrant Bill

UFW Praises Federal Judge for Blocking Key Parts of SB 1070, Arizona’s Anti-Immigrant Bill

United Farm Workers President Arturo S. Rodriguez issued the following statement after U.S. District Judge Susan Bolton’s decision to block SB 1070, the Arizona law that targeted immigrants and was set to take effect today.

Los Angeles, Calif. — We praise the ruling of U.S. District Judge Susan Bolton to block this anti-immigrant law. If allowed to take effect, it would have put local police officers on the front lines of America’s failed immigration policies. This law would single out Latinos and discriminate against anyone with a dark complexion and wearing humble attire.

We call on Judge Bolton to permanently strike down this law, which legalizes racial profiling.
The solution to our failed immigration policies is not a patchwork of state laws. Congress must pass comprehensive immigration reform sooner than later.

The United Farm Workers and the agricultural industry negotiated a bipartisan, broadly supported immigration reform measure: the AgJobs bill. It would allow undocumented farm workers an opportunity to stay in this country by continuing to work in agriculture. It is a model for a comprehensive immigration reform bill that Congress must pass.

Bringing people together is never easy. Bridging emotional and racial divisions is even more difficult. Polarizing people makes it impossible.

We invite the Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer and the Legislature to work with the UFW and Arizona growers to make AgJobs a model for immigration reform. It is a measure that respects the laws of our country and the hard labor of those who feed us.

Almost three-quarters of U.S. farm workers are undocumented. We need to end the fear and help improve the lives of the immigrant farm workers whose sacrifices bring the rich bounty of fresh fruits and vegetables to our tables. They do the hardest, most difficult jobs other American workers won’t do. They pay taxes but enjoy few, if any, benefits.

The Arizona anti-immigrant bill is not the answer. The answer comes from AgJobs and comprehensive immigration reform.