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UFW Helps Lamont Farm Workers to Finially Receive $50,000 Settlement Money

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UFW Helps Lamont Farm Workers to Finally
Receive $50,000 Settlement Money

After nearly five months of waiting, Kirschenman Enterprises has issued checks to three farm workers who won a $50,000 back pay settlement over discriminatory discharges in October.
The Lamont table grape grower had agreed to pay $50,000 to farm workers Martin Magana, Flavio Becerril and Sotero Berrelleza. The UFW filed unfair labor practices in 2006 with the Agricultural Labor Relations Board on behalf of the workers who claimed were "laid off" after complaining about the lack of protective equipment and mistreatment by a supervisor. A settlement was reached in October of 2008 after the ALRB found sufficient evidence and issued a complaint against the company.
A press conference will be held today where the workers were presented with their checks.

Farm worker Flavio Becerril said, "I feel very grateful that after such a long time we have finally won.  I thank all those supporters and UFW staff that helped me either thru email or the Radio Campesina program."

Farm worker Martin Magaña added, "I feel very good because I know many workers that still work at the company who made fun of us that we could not win and had no hope of ever changing things.  My father Gabriel Magana still works for the company and this will serve as an example that farm workers have rights as well.  I urge everyone to believe in what the United Farm Workers is doing for farm workers. I want to thank everyone for helping us win this case.  I feel very grateful that after such a long time we have finally won."

Who: Farm workers Martin Magana, Flavio Becerril, Sotero Berrelleza will be present to receive their checks. Armando Elenes, UFW National Vice President, will be available for questions. 

What: Distribution of $50,000 in checks for back pay settlement.
When: March 4th at 11 a.m. press conference
Where: La Campesina’s Bakersfield Radio Station, 6313 Schirra Court (across the street from Panama-Buena Vista School District)

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