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UFW Foundation Joins Rally For Comprehensive Immigration Reform: Congressman Luis Gutierrez outlines principles for future bill

UFW Foundation Joins Rally For Comprehensive Immigration Reform
Congressman Luis Gutierrez outlines principles for future bill

The United Farm Workers Foundation joins Congressman Luis Gutierrez and religious and advocacy groups as they rally in Washington D.C. and throughout the country urging our leaders to find workable solutions to fix our nation’s broken immigration system.

Congressman Gutierrez is expected to introduce today the fundamental principles behind a comprehensive immigration reform. He has also made the commitment to include AgJOBS, which is a special immigration reform for farm workers, as part of his immigration reform bill, soon to be introduced in the U.S. House of Representatives.

The UFW Foundation is convinced that a comprehensive immigration reform is not only the first step towards achieving economic recovery, but it is also in tune with the great values of this country.
